"Craig Shaw Gardner - Ebenezum 01 - A Malady of Magicks" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gardner Craig Shaw) A Malady of Magicks
Book I of the Ebenezium Craig Shaw Gardner CONTENTS ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN ELEVEN TWELVE THIRTEEN FOURTEEN FIFTEEN SIXTEEN ONE statement is only made by people who have never been wizards themselves. Those of us who have chosen to pursue a sorcerous career know that a knowledge of spells is only one small facet of the successful magician. Equally vital are a quick wit, a soothing tongue, and, perhaps most important, a thorough knowledge of back alleys, underground passageways, and particularly dense patches of forest, for those times when the spell you knew so well doesn‘t quite work after all.” THE TEACHINGS OF EBENEZUM, Volume I The day was quietly beautiful, perhaps too much so. For the first time in a week, I allowed myself to forget my problems and think only of Alea. Alea! My afternoon beauty. I had only learned her name on the last day we were together, before she went on to, as she called them, “better things.” But as surely as she had left me, I knew that we might be reunited. In Vushta, anything might happen. The wizard sneezed. I woke from my reverie, instantly alert. My master, the wizard Ebenezum, greatest mage in all the Western Kingdoms, had sneezed. It could only mean one thing. There was sorcery in the air! Ebenezum waved for me to follow him, his stately and ornate wizard’s robes flapping as he ran. We headed immediately for a nearby copse of trees. A hoarse scream erupted from the bushes across the clearing. “Death to the wizard!” The spear embedded itself in the tree some three feet above my head. Half a dozen warriors ran screaming from the undergrowth, blood cries on their lips. They had painted themselves with dark pigments for a particularly fierce appearance, and they carried great swords as long as their arms. |