"Leo Frankowski - Stargard 2 - High-Tech Knight" - читать интересную книгу автора (Frankowski Leo)

skin was nearly exhausted and night closed in on us. There was nothing for it but, like a hero in a
fireside tale, to stretch out under a tree and sleep in armor.

I unsaddled Witchfire, rubbed him down as best I could with some weeds and hobbled him for the night.

I had my flint and steel with me, and by dint of a half an hour's puffing and cursing, I managed to get a
decent fire going. I gathered a supply of wood, doffed my helmet and unlaced the coif at my throat. I
took another pull of wine and dozed off.

At perhaps midnight, I woke to the sound of a wolf howling. It was shortly answered by another and yet
another, and they were close!

The fire was down to a few dying coals and Witchfire was whinnying nervously. I went to him and
tripped in the dark, which spooked him worse. I had to speak to him a bit before he'd let me come close
enough to take the hobble off. A damned nuisance when time was precious, but no beast of mine will
ever be taken without a chance to defend himself! I could hear the wolves, snuffling, gathering both their
courage and their numbers.

I went back to the coals of the fire and found my helmet and sword. Then I threw what kindling and
wood I had left onto the coals and said a silent prayer in thanks to Saint Christopher for the blessing of
enough time to get ready.

The fire blazed up as I belatedly laced shut the chainmail coif at my throat and donned my helmet. I
slipped on my shield and drew my sword, for this was not the place for the lance, though I love that
weapon above all others. The wolves grew louder, and I could tell that they didn't like the fire. I could
imagine some impudent young wolf complaining, "Sooner! We should have hit them sooner!" It's sure
that I heard one of the animals yelp as though bitten!

Witchfire, trusty friend that he is, came into the circle of firelight to join me. He knew that this must
needs be a fight afoot, but he none the less meant to get his share of it. I grinned at him and they rushed

A huge gray wolf burst out of the darkness and at my throat. It was skinny, gaunt and hungry, yet it was
fully my own size and weight none the less. These murderous beasts must have traveled far for the pains
of winter to still be on them!

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My sword caught the huge gray brute fair on the side of the skull and I heard the bone crack. His body
rammed me square on the shield with such force that I was nearly knocked over, and indeed would have
been had not a second wolf hit me but a moment later in the back. A foul blow, that, but one I was glad
of, for once down, it was not likely that I could defend myself with any alacrity!

The wolf at my back was trying to bite into my neck, but the armor my father bought at great price was
proof against it. I swung my sword back hard as though preparing for a forward blow. It caught the beast
on the back. Again, I heard bones crack and it was at my feet whining and snapping.