"Leo Frankowski - Stargard 2 - High-Tech Knight" - читать интересную книгу автора (Frankowski Leo)chargers. Then he drew sword and cleared a swath through them as wide as he could reach, and his men
behind him widened it. He broke their impetus and gave the rest of us time to regroup and charge the breach he'd made. We caught them on the flank, rolled them up like an old map, and the day was ours!" "I heard he was sore wounded in that fight." "Yes. It was before you were born, wasn't it? I saw a filthy peasant put a spear under his byrnie and into his gut. For a long time I feared for Sir Jan's life, but stamina and your mother's nursing carried him file:///G|/rah/Leo%20Frankowski%20-%20Stargard%202%20-%20High-Tech%20Knight.txt (17 of 191)6/12/2004 1:20:11 AM file:///G|/rah/Leo%20Frankowski%20-%20Stargard%202%20-%20High-Tech%20Knight.txt through. You know, I marked that peasant and when he turned up among the prisoners, I let all the others go, but him I hung for his impudence!" "Ali, you look so much like your father that you could almost pass for his twin, barring age. You have much of his skill-I missed your kill today but I saw the carcass. A single thrust, straight to the heart, on an animal maddened by Sir Conrad's clumsy blow." "Your grace, I heard that Sir Conrad had never before been on a hunt." "As did I-and that's odd, isn't it? A knight who could slay that almost invincible brigand, Sir Rheinburg, and singlehandedly wipe out his entire band; yet who never hunted an animal! Tell me, what do you think of him?" and half poet; half warlock and half saint! All I can say is that I like the man and that I trust him." "Tell me, would you stay with him if you could?" "Well... yes, your grace, were it consistent with my duty and honor." "So. You missed tonight's feast..." I started to explain but he held up his hands. "I know you did right. It was your duty to be alert and on guard tonight; missing the festivities was the honorable thing to do. But know that during them, Count Lambert settled lands upon Sir Conrad. He leaves for them at dawn and I want you to go with him." "But, your grace... My duty here..." Dammit, I couldn't tell him about Annastashia! "Do not concern yourself. I will square matters with Lambert and your father." "But what is it that you would have me do?" "In truth, boy, I don't know. I, too, am uncertain about Sir Conrad. He could be the greatest good that has ever happened to Poland, or he could be the greatest evil. I only know that I would feel better if he had a trustworthy knight beside him, to protect him from harm and... and to let me know anything that you think I should know." "Then your desire is my command, your grace. I shall do my duty unto the death, if need be." |