"Folsom, Allan - The Day After Tomorrow" - читать интересную книгу автора (Folsom Allan)The Day After Tomorrow
by Allan Folsom This is a work of fiction. Characters, organizations, situations and philosophies are either the product of the author's imagination or, if real, have been used fictitiously without any intent to describe or portray their actual conduct. WARNER BOOKS EDITION For Karen Copyright 0 1994 by Allan Folsom All rights reserved. Cover design Steve Snider/Tom Tafuri Warner Vision is a trademark of Warner Books, Inc. Warner Books, Inc. 1271 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Printed in the United States of America First Warner Books Printing: February, 1995 "The 'how long,' I guess, is up to you. The 'why' is because Interpol has seven headless corpses they don't know what to do about." Woodward stuck a file under McVey's nose and walked off. McVey watched him go, glanced at the other detectives in the room, then picked up a cup of cold coffee and opened the file. On the upper right hand corner was a black tab, which, in Interpol circulation, indicated an unidentified dead body and asked for any possible help in identifying it. The tab was old. By now the corpses had been identified. Of the seven bodies, two had been found in England, two in France, one in Belgium, one in Switzerland and one, washed ashore, near the West German port of Kiel. All were males and their ages ranged from twenty-two to fifty-six. All were white and all, apparently, had been drugged with some sort of barbiturate and then had their heads surgically removed at precisely the same place in the anatomy. The killings had occurred from February to August and seemed completely random. Yet they were far too similar to be coincidental. But that was all, the rest was completely dissimilar. None of the victims were related or appeared to have known one another. None had criminal records or had lived violent lives. And all were from different |