"Eric Flint - Grantville Gazette - Vol.13" - читать интересную книгу автора (Flint Eric)

- Chapter 1

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- Chapter 1

What is this?
About the Grantville Gazette
Written by Grantville Gazette Staff

The Grantville Gazette originated as a by-product of the ongoing and very active discussions which take
place concerning the 1632 universe Eric Flint created in the novels 1632, 1633 and 1634: The Galileo
Affair (the latter two books co-authored by David Weber and Andrew Dennis, respectively). This
discussion is centered in three of the conferences in Baen's Bar, the discussion area of Baen Books' web
site. The conferences are entitled "1632 Slush," "1632 Slush Comments" and "1632 Tech Manual." They
have been in operation for almost seven years now, during which time nearly two hundred thousand
posts have been made by hundreds of participants.
Soon enough, the discussion began generating so-called "fanfic," stories written in the setting by fans of
the series. A number of those were good enough to be published professionally. And, indeed, a number
of them were—as part of the anthology Ring of Fire , which was published by Baen Books in January,
2004. ( Ring of Fire also includes stories written by established authors such as Eric Flint himself, as
well as David Weber, Mercedes Lackey, Dave Freer, K.D. Wentworth and S.L. Viehl.)
The decision to publish the Ring of Fire anthology triggered the writing of still more fanfic, even after
submissions to the anthology were closed. Ring of Fire has been selling quite well since it came out, and
a second anthology similar to it is scheduled to be published late in 2007. It will also contain stories
written by new writers, as well as professionals. But, in the meantime . . . the fanfic kept getting written,
and people kept nudging Eric—well, pestering Eric—to give them feedback on their stories.
Hence . . . the Grantville Gazette. Once he realized how many stories were being written—a number of
them of publishable quality—he raised with Jim Baen the idea of producing an online magazine which
would pay for fiction and nonfiction articles set in the 1632 universe and would be sold through Baen
Books' Webscriptions service. Jim was willing to try it, to see what happened.
As it turned out, the first issue of the electronic magazine sold well enough to make continuing the
magazine a financially self-sustaining operation. Since then, nine more volumes have been electronically
published through the Baen Webscriptions site. As well, Grantville Gazette, Volume One was published
in paperback in November of 2004. That has since been followed by hardcover editions of Grantville
Gazette, Volumes Two and Three.
Then, two big steps:
First: The magazine had been paying semi-pro rates for the electronic edition, increasing to pro rates
upon transition to paper, but one of Eric's goals had long been to increase payments to the authors.
Grantville Gazette, Volume Eleven is the first volume to pay the authors professional rates.
Second: This on-line version you're reading. The site here at http://www.grantvillegazette.com is the
electronic version of an ARC, an advance readers copy where you can read the issues as we assemble