"Lynn Flewelling - Nightrunners 03 - Traitor's Moon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Flewelling Lynn)

traitor's moonA Bantam Spectra Book / July 1999

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Copyright © 1999 by Lynn Flewelling.

Cover art copyright © 1999 by Gary Ruddell.

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ISBN 0-553-57725-5Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada

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For our folks, Thelma and Win White and Frances Flewelling, for their continuing love and support. I
prom-ise I'll write you that serious novel one of these days! Thanks for liking these so much.


Sincerest thanks to all the folks who continue to keep me sane, fed, and free of crumbs. Believe me, it's
a full-time job.

First and foremost, my husband and best buddy, Dr. Doug, past whom no chapter goes unmaimed. And
he cooks! The Dynamic Duo—editor Anne Lesley Groell and agent Lucienne Diver—and to the good
folks at Bantam Spectra and the Spectrum Literary Agency, who keepthem sane, fed, and free of
crumbs. The Usual Suspects—Darby Crouss, Laurie Hallman, Julie Friez, and Scott Burgess, and my
family. Assorted new readers, Michele De France and NextWavers Devon Monk, James Hartley,
Charlene Brusso, and Jason Tanner. Finally, kudos to our local swordsmith (and how many of you can
say that?), Adam Williams, for his technical advice and general kibitzing, and to Gary Ruddell, for giving
form to my inner visions.