"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

"Right-of-way!" said Amos, halting in disbelief. "In the open harbor, perhaps,
with ample room to turn, but 'right-of-way' doesn't halt a three-masted
warship bearing down on you with no place to turn and no way to stop." He
shook his head as he resumed walking toward the palace. "Right-of-way indeed."
Looking at Nicholas, he said, "What were you doing out on the bay this time of
day? I thought you had studies."

"Prelate Graham is in conference with Father," answered Nicholas. "So we went

"Catch anything?"

Harry grinned. "The biggest fish you've ever seen, Admiral."

"Now that it's back in the bay, it's the biggest, you mean," answered Amos
with a laugh.
Nicholas said, "We didn't catch anything worth talking about."

Amos said, "Well, run along and change into something less damp. I'm going to
refresh myself, then call upon your father."

"Will you be at dinner?" asked the young Prince.

"I expect."

"Good; Grandmother is in Krondor."


Raymond E. Feist

Amos brightened at that news. "Then I will most certainly

** Nicholas gave Amos a crooked half-smile that was the im-

— of hU fX's and said, "I doubt anyone thmks it comci-

£« d£ ** «*«" » ™e Mother jUSt m "me t0

grinned. "It's my boundless charm." With a tnfheadsof bothiys he said, "Nowgo!
I must rwue Geoffrey, then I'm off to my quarters to change So something more
fitting for dinner with . your father. He winked at Nicholas and strode
off, whistling a nameless



Nicholas and Harry hurried along, stockings squishing in their boots, toward