"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

The young squire only yelled a maniacal war whoop in answer as he struggled
with the tiller, to keep the boat centered upon the ship's bow.

"Like balancing a ball on a sword point." Amos sighed. He could tell by the
speed of the ship and its location that it was time to ready the lines. He
turned his back on the boys once more.

From below came the sounds of Harry whooping and yelling in exultation as the
fast-moving ship pushed the small boat along. Lawrence said, "The Prince is
holding the boat in front. He's struggling, but he's doing it."

Amos called, "Ready bowlines! Ready stern lines!" Saiiors near the bow and
stern readied lines to throw to dockmen waiting below.

"Admiral!" said Lawrence in excited tones.

Amos closed his eyes. "I don't want to hear it."

"Admiral! They've lost control! They're veering to starboard!"

Amos said, "I said I didn't want to hear it." He turned toward the assistant
pilot, who stood with a panic-stricken expression on his face as the sounds of
the small boat being crushed between the ship and the dock grated on their
ears. The cracking of wood and tearing of planks were accompanied by shouts
from the men on the dock.

The assistant pilot said, "It wasn't my fault."

An unfriendly smile split Amos's silver and grey beard as he said, "I'll
testify to that at your trial. Now order the lines, or you'll smash us against
the wharf." Seeing the remark didn't

IQ Raymond E. Feist register on the shocked man, Amos shouted, "Secure
the bowlines!"

A second later the pilot called for the stern lines to be secured, and these
were tossed to those waiting below. The ship had lost almost all its forward
movement and, when the lines went taut, stopped altogether. Amos shouted,
"Secure all lines! Run out the gangplank!"

Turning toward the dock, he peered down into the churning water between die
ship and the dock. Seeing bubbles amid die floating wood, line, and sail, he
yelled to the dock gang, "Lower a rope diere to those two idiots swimming
beneath the dock before they drown!"

By die time Amos was off the ship, the two wet youngsters had climbed up to
die dock. Amos came to where they stood and regarded the soaked pair.

Nicholas, youngest son of the Prince of Krondor, stood with his weight shifted