"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

Nakor grinned. "Then give her some gold—if you have any left—and tell her
you'll be back, then leave. She'll have another man in that chair and in her
bed within the month."

Ghuda stood by the door a moment, regarding the light from the vanished sun as
it faded from sight and said, "I will miss the sunsets, Nakor."

The Isalani continued to grin as he jumped down from the hitching rail, picked
up his bag, and shouldered it. "There are sunsets above other oceans, Ghuda.
Mighty sights and great wonders to behold." Without another word, he turned
toward the road down to the city of Elarial and started walking.

Ghuda Bul6 entered the common room of the inn he had called home for nearly
seven years and wondered if he would ever pass this way again.



\J» he lookout pointed. A "Boat dead ahead!"

Amos Trask, Admiral of the Prince's fleet of the Kingdom Navy, shouted,

The harbor pilot who stood beside the Admiral, guiding the Prince of Krondor's
flagship, die Royal Dragon, toward die palace docks, shouted to his assistant
at the bow, "Wave them off!"

The assistant pilot, a sour-looking young man, shouted back, "They fly the
royal ensign!"

Amos Trask unceremoniously pushed past the pilot. Still a barrel-chested,
bull-necked man at past sixty years of age, he hurried toward the bow with the
sure step of a man who'd spent most of his life at sea. After sailing Prince
Arutha's flagship in and out of Krondor for nearly twenty years, he could dock
her blindfolded, but custom required the presence of the harbor pilot. Amos
disliked turning over command of his ship to anyone, least of all an officious
and not very personable member of the Royal Harbormaster's staff. Amos
suspected diat the second requirement for a position in that office was an
objectionable personality. The first seemed to be marriage to one of the
Harbormaster's numerous sisters or daughters.

Amos reached the bow and looked ahead. His dark eyes

8 Raymond E. Feist

narrowed as he observed the scene unfolding below. As the ship glided toward
the quay, a small sailing boat, no more than fifteen feet in length, attempted
to dart into the opening ahead of it. Clumsily tied to the top of the mast was