"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

to say it to your face— but that's how they feel. No, this is no mistake." She
leaned into his arms and again he held her tight. Amos sighed in contentment.

Alicia felt tears of happiness gather in her eyes, and she 'blinked them back.
Amos had never been comfortable with open displays of emotion. Their
relationship had been intimate for years now, but she had understood Amos's
reticence in making a proposal, for she knew him a man not given to close
attachments. That he cared for Arutha and his family was clear, yet there was
always a part of Amos that was distant. She knew that he held back, and
nothing she could do would force him to give freely. Age had lent her a wisdom
many younger women would not have understood. She had not wished to drive Amos
off by asking him to choose between his love for her and his love for the sea.

Amos reluctantly released his hold on her. "Well, much as I would love to stay
awhile, I have been given a mission by your daughter's husband."

"You're leaving again? But you only just got here." There was genuine
disappointment in her voice.

"Yes, true. But Nicholas is to go to Martin's court for a year or two of
seasoning, and some stores must be taken to the new garrison at Barran on the
northwest coast." He looked into her green eyes and said, "It's my last
voyage, love. I'll not be gone long, and then you'll find how quickly you grow
tired of having me underfoot all the time."

She shook her head and smiled. "Hardly. You'll find much to keep you busy on
my estates. We'll have lands to tend,



tenants to supervise, and I doubt Arutha will let you stay away from court
more than a month at a time. He values your insights and opinions."

They talked for a while, and then Amos said, "We have much to do. I must
ensure the ship is ready, and you and Anita will no doubt wish to get about
the business of a wedding."

They parted and Amos walked away from her apartment, feeling both elation and
an unusual desire to keep sailing west once he dropped Nicholas off. He loved
Alicia like no other woman he had met in this Hfe, but the prospect of
marriage was more than a little frightening to the old bachelor.

He almost knocked over Ghuda Bule as he rounded a corner. The grey-haired
mercenary backed away, bowing awkwardly. "Excuse me, sir."

Amos paused. Switching to the Keshian language, he said, "No excuse needed . .