"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

Within an hour of Arutha's telling Nicholas and Harry they were bound for
Crydee with Amos, the thousand and one details of making ready for the voyage
sent the household into a near state of panic. Yet with practice born of a
thousand state occasions, the Royal Steward and his host of squires, pages,
and servants rose to the occasion, and Arutha knew that when the ship left the
following day, everything the Prince and his companion needed would be aboard.

."•"" The Royal Eagle lay ready to carry the arms and stores needed by die new
garrison that Duke Martin was establishing. Amos was assuming command, and
they would leave for Crydee on the early morning tide. The decision to leave
so abruptly was made both because Arutha did not want time to second-guess his
choice, and to take advantage of the favorable weather. The infamous Straits
of Darkness would be navigable for the next few months, but fall would be upon
Amos by the time he left for his return voyage. Once heavy weather set in, the
straits between the Bitter Sea and the Endless- Sea were too dangerous to
attempt except in the most extreme need.

Amos walked down the long hall that led from the guest quarters. In the years
he had lived in Krondor, he had never bothered to secure private lodgings
outside the palace, as had most of the Prince's staff. He was the only member
of the Prince's circle of advisers and commanders who was unmarried and did
not require a place apart from court demands for a family. As he was at sea
nearly three-quarters of the time, anyway, the days he stayed in the palace
were few in any event.

But now he was wrestling with the notion of how his life would change after
this voyage. He stood a moment, hesitating, then knocked upon the door. A
servant quickly answered and, seeing the Admiral without, pulled the door
wide. Amos entered and found Alicia sitting upon a divan before a wide giass
doorway that gave upon her private balcony, opened to admit the morning
breeze. She rose and smiled as he crossed to her.



He took her hand and kissed her cheek. While the servants knew well he had
spent the night in this very apartment, they observed the pretense of not
knowing in the name of court protocol. Amos had snuck out of the rooms before
dawn and had returned to his own quarters. He had changed and journeyed to the
harbor for a quick inspection of the Royal Eagle.

"Amos," said the Dowager Princess. "I didn't expect to see you until this

Amos was at a loss for words, which surprised Alicia. She had understood
something was on his mind last night, for while he had been ardent, he had
also been somewhat distracted. Several times he had appeared to be on the
brink of saying something, only to switch into some inconsequential question