"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

on Arutha's left. Geoffrey was a quiet, kind man, well liked by the staff, and
an able administrator. He had served for ten years in the King's court before
coming to Krondor eight years previously.

Next to him sat Prelate Graham, a bishop of the Order of Dala, Shield of the
Weak, one of Arutha's current advisers. A gentle but firm teacher, the Prelate
had ensured that Nicholas, like his brothers before him, would become a man of
broad education, knowing as much about art and literature, music and drama, as
he did about economics, history, and warcraft. He sat beside Nicholas and
Harry, and showed by his expression that he did not find the excuse remotely
amusing. While the boys had been excused his tutelage while he attended the
Prince's council, he had expected them to be studying, not crashing their boat
into warships in the harbor.

Opposite the boys sat Anita's mother and Amos Trask. The Admiral and Princess
Alicia had enjoyed a playful relationship for years, which court gossip
claimed was far more intimate than simply flirtation. Still a handsome woman
of a like age to Amos's, Alicia positively glowed from his attention. Anita's
resemblance to her mother was clear to see, although Alicia's once red hair
was now grey and her features revealed life's passage. But when Amos told a
quiet joke to make her blush, her sparkling eyes and embarrassed laughter made
her seem girlish again.

Amos squeezed Alicia's hand while he whispered something to her, probably
oflF-color, and the Dowager Princess laughed behind her napkin. Anita smiled
at the sight, for she remembered how dreadfully her mother had missed her
father after his death, and what a welcome addition to Arutha's court Amos had
become after the Riftwar. Anita was always pleased to see her mother smile,
and no one could make her laugh like Amos.

To the Admiral's left sat Arutha's military deputy, William, Knight-Marshal of
Krondor, a cousin to the royal family. Cousin Willie, as everyone in the
family called him, winked at the two boys. He had been serving in the palace
for twenty years, and over that span of time had seen Nicholas's older
brothers, Borric and Erland, discover every possible way to incur their
father's anger. Nicholas was new to causing his father to lose his temper.
William reached for a slice of bread and said, "Brilliant strategy, Squire. No
unnecessary derails to remember."

Nicholas attempted to look properly chastised, but failed. He quickly cut a
piece of lamb and stuffed it in his mouth to

IS Raymond E. Feist

keep from laughing. He glanced at Harry, who was hiding his amusement behind a
cup of wine.

Arutha said, "We'll have to think up a suitable punishment for you two.
Something to impress the value of both the boat and your own necks on you."