"Feist, Raymond E - The Riftwar Legacy 02 - Krondor- The Assassins" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

administrator of the palace while doing so, and James was forced to
admit his fussy attention to detail made him ideally suited for the job.

Arutha said, "I am very tired and would like to join my family for an
early supper; let s save as much as we may for formal court tomorrow.
What can t wait? "

40 De Lacy nodded and then looked up. He noticed who was in the room and
said, "Shall we wait for the Knight-Marshal? " Just then Gardan entered.
"Apologies, Highness. I wanted to make sure the men were taking care of
their mounts and weapons before I joined you.

Arutha s brow furrowed and his mouth turned up in a familiar half-smile.
"You re not a sergeant any more, Gardan. You re the Knight-Marshal of
Krondor. You have others to ensure that the men and animals are properly
billeted. " Gardan nodded in reply, then said, "That s something I wish
to discuss with you. " He glanced at the nobles in the Prince s private
offices and added, "But it will wait until after this evening s
business. Highness? " Arutha indicated his agreement.

De Lacy said, "Two communiques from Great Kesh via courier arrived
during your absence, Highness, informing the crown of matters of small
urgency, yet they do require a formal response.

Arutha waved them over to James. "Leave them. I ll read them tonight and
compose a reply first thing in the morning. " De Lacy handed them to
James who tucked them under his arm without looking at them.

The Master of Ceremonies looked at the sheriff, who stepped forward and
bowed. "Highness, I fear I must report a rash of black murders have been
done in your city during the time you ve been away.

The Prince was silent for a moment as he considered these words, then he
said, "You speak then of something warranting my personal attention?
Murder is not uncommon in our city. "

"I do, Highness. Several men of prominence have been slain

41 in their beds at night, throats cut while their wives slept
undisturbed beside them.

Arutha glanced at James and nodded slightly. James knew what the Prince
was thinking: Nighthawks.

For nearly ten years the city had been untroubled by the Guild of Death.
The assassins who had been employed by Murmandamus s agents had vanished
at the end of the Riftwar. A few months ago rumors about their return
had begun to circulate. Then they had suddenly reappeared in the
Kingdom. James himself had killed their current leader, but was under no
illusion that the Nighthawks would just go away. If there was another