"Feist, Raymond E - Faerie Tale 1.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

of actresses."

Gloria laughed. "God! What are you? A fan, out here
in the wilderness, after all these years?"

"Well, I've never seen you onstage, ma'am, but I've
read about your husband, and they mentioned your ca-
reer in passing."

"Fame, so fleeting," Gloria said with mock sorrow.
"Anyway, just the fact you knew of my humble career
calls for a drink, assuming the refrigerator is still working
and you'd like a beer?"

"With deep appreciation," he answered with a smile.
"I'd been hoping to meet you and your husband."

"Then come inside and I'll scare up a beer for you.
Phil should be back with the food shortly."

Leading the young man into the kitchen, Gloria pulled
the kerchief from her head, letting her ash-blond hair fall
freely. Suddenly she was aware of a desire to primp, feel-
ing both amused and alarmed by it. She hadn't been in
front of the cameras since before the twins were born,
and had lost a lot of the automatic checking of appear-
ance that was almost second nature to young actresses
in the film jungles. Now this young man, little older
than Gabbie from his appearance, made her wish for a
mirror and a washcloth. Feeling suddenly silly, she told
herself she wasn't going to apologize for her appearance.
Still, he was handsome in a way Gloria liked: unselfcon-
scious, dark good looks, athletic but not overly muscular.
Gloria smiled inwardly in anticipation of Gabbie's reac-
tion to the young man. He really was cute. Turning to-
ward Jack, she said, "We're still uncrating around here."

Jack looked concerned. "I'm sorry if this is an inop-
portune time, ma'am. I can visit another day."

She shook her head as she opened the refrigerator.
"No, I just mean pardon the mess." She handed him a
beer. "And it's 'Gloria,' not 'ma'am.' "

Jack's eyebrows went up as he regarded the white bot-
tle. "Royal Holland Brand," he said approvingly.

"Phil is that rarest of all birds, a well-paid writer. He
buys it by the case."