"04.Prince of the Blood" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

Eriand negotiated the stirrup and heaved himself
into the saddle without aid. In irritated tones, he an-
swered, "Only when I see Father, Cousin Willy, and I
don't think you can do much for me then."

Lieutenant William nodded and in unsympathetic
tones, he whispered, "He did say come home at once,

Eriand nodded in resignation. "We just wanted to
relax for a day or two before—"

William couldn't resist laughing at his cousins' predic-
ament. He had often seen them bring disaster down
upon themselves and he never could understand their
appetite for such punishment. He said, "Maybe you
could run for the border. I could get very stupid follow-
ing you."

Eriand shook his head. "I think I'll wish I had taken
your offer, after tomorrow morning's court."

William laughed again. "Come along, this dressing
down won't be much worse than a dozen you've al-
ready had."

Baron James, Chancellor of Krondor and first assis-
tant to the Duke of Krondor, quickly mounted his own
horse. "To the palace," he ordered, and the company
turned to escort the twin princes, Borric and Eriand, to
the palace.

Arutha, Prince of Krondor, Knight-Marshal of the
Western Realm, and Royal Heir to the throne of the
Kingdom of the Isles, sat quietly attentive to the busi-
ness of the court being conducted before him. A slender
man in his youth, he had not gained the bulk commonly
associated with middle age, but rather had become
harder, more angular in features, losing what little soft-
ening effects youth had given his lanky appearance. His
hair was still dark, though enough grey had come with
the twenty years of ruling Krondor and the West to
speckle it. His reflexes had slowed only slightly over the
years, and he was still counted one of the finest swords-


men in the Kingdom, though he rarely had reason to