"Linda Evans - Time Scout 3 - Ripping Time" - читать интересную книгу автора (Evans Linda) “Time-touring. Have you ever?”
She blinked, tried to force her brain to function again. “No. But . . . Carl and I, we were going to go . . . through TT-86, to London. Got the tickets and everything, used false ID to buy them, to keep it a secret . . .” The taxi that Armstrong had taken from its driver slewed around another corner, merged with traffic on Broadway, slowed to a decorous pace. “Kid,” the detective said softly, “those tickets might just save your life. Because the only by-God way out of this city now is through TT-86.” Other Books in the Time Scout Series: Time Scout Wagers of Sin Ripping Time The House That Jack Built (forthcoming) Baen Books by Linda Evans: Far Edge of Darkness Bolos: The Triumphant (by David Weber & Linda Evans) Chapter One A slight and frightened young woman, Jenna had lost the lean and supple dancer’s grace which had been hers . . . God, was it only three days ago? It seemed a year, at least, for every one of those days, a whole lifetime since the phone call had come. “Jenna Nicole,” her aunt’s voice had startled her, since Aunt Cassie hadn’t called in months, not since before Jenna had joined the Temple, “I want to see you, dear. This evening.” The commanding tone and the use of her full name, as much as the unexpected timing, threw her off stride. “This evening? Are you serious? Where are you?” Jenna’s favorite aunt, her mother’s only sister, didn’t live anywhere near New York, only appeared in the City for film shoots and publicity appearances. “I’m in town, of course,” Cassie Tyrol’s famous voice came through the line, faintly exasperated. “I flew in an hour ago. Whatever you’ve got on your calendar, cancel it. Dinner, class, Temple services, anything. Be at Luigi’s at six. And Jenna, darling, don’t bring your roommate. This is business, family business, understand? You’re in deep trouble, my girl.” Jenna’s stomach clenched into knots. Oh, my God. She’s found out! Aloud, she managed to say, “Luigi’s at six, okay, I’ll be there.” Only a lifetime’s worth of acting experience and the raw talent she’d inherited from the same family that had produced the legendary Jocasta “Cassie” Tyrol got that simple sentence out without her voice shaking. She’s found out, what’ll she say, what’ll she do, oh my God, what if she’s told Daddy? She wouldn’t tell him, would she? Jenna’s aunt hated her father, almost as much as Jenna did. Hand shaking, Jenna hung up the phone and found Carl staring at her, dark |