"George Alec Effinger - Marid 3 - The Exile Kiss" - читать интересную книгу автора (Effinger George Alec)

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To the science fiction community of the South Central region, which has given me so much support. and
encouragement over the years. My thanks to Armadillo Con in Austin, Swamp Con in Baton Rouge the New Orleans
Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival, 'and Coast Con m Biloxi.

And special thanks to Fred Duarte and Karen Meschke for hospitality above and beyond the call of duty, while my
car was m a near-fatal coma during the writing of this
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ISBN 0-553-29664-7
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Though it rain gold and silver in a foreign land and daggers and spears at home, yet it is better to
be at home.
—Malay Proverb

O! a kiss Long as my exile, sweet as my revenge!
—William Shakespeare Coriolanus Act 5, scene 3
The Exile Kiss
It never occurred to me that I might be kidnapped. There was no reason why it should. The day had certainly
begun innocently enough. I'd snapped wide awake just before dawn, thanks to an experimental add-on I wear on my
anterior brain implant. That plug is the one that gives me powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. As far
as I know, I'm the only person around with two implants.