"Lee Edgar - Return to Andromeda" - читать интересную книгу автора (Edgar Lee) She frowned. ‘Actually through its drive emission?’
He nodded. ‘Precisely.’ Cassi shrugged and tapped keys. ‘Confirmed. Time to trajectory traverse - two minutes.’ ‘Lyn. Increase thrust by ten percent.’ ‘Confirmed,’ said the pilot. Commander Carter leant back in his chair. ‘Prepare to advance to light speed.’ Cassi whirled round. ‘Steve, you can’t do that. If we hit light speed now, the missile will lose us and home in on the shuttle.’ The Commander smiled. ‘So it will.’ ‘But don’t you understand? The shuttle doesn’t have to power to outrun the missile. It will be destroyed.’ ‘They fired it, remember?’ ‘But, nevertheless, it is still murder.’ He leant forward. ‘No, Cassi. It’s war. They launched that missile at us. All we are doing is returning it to them.’ ‘But all those men on board...’ ‘Soldiers sent by the General to arrest us or worse. Please confirm my instructions.’ Cassi wanted to argue but she had made a promise to her father. ‘Very well, Commander. Course confirmed. Trajectory traverse in thirty seconds.’ ‘Hold speed.’ ‘Confirmed,’ said Lyn who was looking as unhappy as her sister but not about to argue with her husband while they had a thermonuclear device right up their tail. ‘Trajectory traverse in ten seconds,’ said Cassi. ‘Prepare for light speed, Lyn.’ ‘Confirmed.’ ‘Five seconds.’ ‘Confirmed.’ The whine of the drive increased as the ship shot forward, bursting through the heat blast from the ascending shuttle which rapidly retreated in the rear screen. Everyone held their breath until a bright flash lit up the sky behind them. Wayfarer One rocked slightly as the energy wave overtook it but no sound carried through space. ‘Target eliminated,’ said Cassi sadly. ‘All sensors report negative debris.’ The Commander smiled once more. ‘Advance to LUM 5, Lyn. Let’s get right in close to Sol for a velocity boost.’ Without being asked, Cassi consulted Iris: D NT I E TY I Sl -o DMTR I EE A 19M -3 2 m S E E L A I LR T T N I R A X OAI D A O 2.8 -5 d 3 I CI A I N |