"Lee Edgar - Plot 03 - Plot For A King" - читать интересную книгу автора (Edgar Lee)regency. Parlement were in a difficult position. If they did nothing, war could break out between the
two royal princes so they opted for what seemed, at the time, as the lesser of the two evils. They granted Anne the regency.’ ‘So now Queen Anne rules France?’ ‘Not entirely. As soon as she was appointed, she about-turned and granted Mazarin the position of First Minister. Parlement has never forgiven her for her deceit and the fight now on is really to get rid of Mazarin. The country doesn’t want the little rat as First Minister.’ Carrie laughed. ‘It doesn’t sound as if you like him either.’ ‘I loath him. And he is supposed to be the Papal Nuncoi.’ ‘The what?’ ‘Cardinal, my dear.’ ‘You say that the people don’t want Mazarin. What is the alternative?’ ‘Louis is still only eleven so he’s not old enough yet. Condé is too ambitious so Parlement seem to fancy young Paul de Gondi, though I can’t for the life of me see why.’ ‘Is he not capable?’ ‘He is probably extremely capable, I don’t know. I only know what I’ve heard. He wants to be Cardinal but he doesn’t believe in God. He wants to be First Minister but has no political ability. He is little better than Mazarin.’ ‘What are they all trying to achieve?’ ‘Why, power, of course.’ She leant forward conspiratorially. ‘And the money that goes with it, naturally.’ Carrie smiled. ‘Naturally. It all comes down to that in the end, doesn’t it?’ ‘I’m afraid it does, Carrie,’ Henriette said sadly. ‘I’m afraid it does.’ for a tour of the nursery so Carrie sat in front of the fire with Henriette Marie. ‘Is everything ready for the big day?’ the Queen asked. ‘I hope so. It’s all happened so fast, I hope I haven’t forgotten anything essential.’ ‘Dress?’ ‘In the trunk. Rachel and I finished it before we left England.’ ‘Bridesmaids?’ ‘Just Mary Beth.’ Carrie stopped and considered for a moment. ‘Henriette, would Minette like to be a second bridesmaid?’ ‘Like it? I’m sure she’d simply love it.’ ‘Then it’s settled. Is the church far from here?’ ‘No. Just nearby in the chapel. Originally, it was to have been at Fontainbleau but now this Fronde business has got Paris bottled up so that virtually no-one can get in or out. Do you mind?’ ‘Of course not. It’s the marriage that counts, not where it is held.’ ‘Carrie, my dear,’ said the Queen severely. ‘One thing you will learn very quickly is that, in France, life is all about the “wheres” and the “with whoms”. The “whats” are quickly forgotten. To coin a phrase, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and, of course, “how well you know him.”’ Carrie laughed so hard that her sides hurt. ‘So France is not so different to England, after all.’ ‘I’m afraid not, Carrie. Life seems to be much the same the world over. “History repeats itself”, they say, but we still seem to go on making the same stupid mistakes, don’t we?’ Lady Ramsden sighed. ‘Don’t we just.’ ‘Well, so much for women trying to change the world. Let’s get down to more serious matters - your wedding. What have we forgotten? There’s bound to be something.’ ‘I do have one problem. I’m not a Catholic.’ |