"bloodwhite" - читать интересную книгу автора (bella ashraf)

devotion of everyone which made the

queen envious & jealous of her & those

dark feelings got stronger by the years

until one day the queen was meeting with

the English vampire king working on

making him fall for her like Duncan did

once but then he began to talk about snows

great beauty & praised her a lot the queen

saw his admiration for snow &

his ignorance to her

thats when she saw that her ex-husbands

daughter would be a threat to her position

& ambitions & decided to have her killed


Chapter two

(come in, come in thou lord of darkness)

chanted the queen Elena darkly starring at

the crimson candles & the smeared blood

around them (come in, come in be bound

to me & listen to my voice thee) suddenly

the candles light shuddered the turned off

then on again showing a tall man dressed

in a dark cloak with a hood hiding his face

(you called me, the fanged queen) his

deadly cold voice cut the silence (I have a