"David Eddings - The Dreamers 03 - Crystal Gorge" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

invaders and win the third war here in the Land of Dhrall.’

‘It’ll be something on the order of the way we handled things before the war in Lady Zelana’s Domain,’
Narasan added. ‘There’ll be enough of our people in either region to hold off the invasion until our
friends can join us. Then we’ll move directly on to stomp-stomp.’

‘What a clever way to put it, Narasan,’ Sorgan observed.

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Crystal Gorge

‘I’ve always had this way with words,’ Narasan replied modestly.

‘I don’t want to intrude here,’ the scar-faced Ekial said, ‘but how are we going to get my people - and
their horses - up to Lord Dahlaine’s territory? Horses can run fast, but probably not quite fast enough to
gallop across the top of the sea.’

‘I think I know how we can do that,’ Narasan said. ‘Gunda’s got that little fishing yawl that almost
knows how to fly. He can take you on down to Castano and hire ships. Then the two of you can sail on
over to Malavi and pick up your men and horses. Then you’ll go north to Lord Dahlaine’s territory.’

‘I think that maybe I should go with them, Commander,’ Veltan added. ‘When you hire Trogite ships,
you need gold, and I know of a few ways to keep that much gold from sinking Gunda’s yawl.’

‘I think we’ve pretty much solved all the problems now,’ Narasan said, looking around at the others.
‘When do you think we should start?’

‘Have you got anything on the fire for tomorrow?’ Sorgan asked him.

‘Not that I can think of,’ Narasan replied.

‘Tomorrow it is, then,’ Sorgan announced.

Red-Beard had been watching Zelana’s sister rather closely as Sorgan and Narasan smoothly cut the
ground out from under her. It was quite clear that she wanted to protest, but the two clever outlanders
hadn’t left her much to complain about. She obviously still wanted all of the outlanders to go east to
protect her Domain, but Sorgan and Narasan - at Zelana’s and Veltan’s suggestion, evidently - had
dismissed any protest she could raise.

‘I don’t know if you’ve been watching, friend Red-Beard,’ Longbow said quietly, ‘but doesn’t it seem to
you that the warrior queen called Trenicia is staying very close to Commander Narasan, and she appears
to be very impressed by him.’

‘Do you think it’s possible that she’s having those kind of thoughts about dear old Narasan?’ Red-Beard

‘I couldn’t say for sure,’ Longbow replied, ‘but that would be a very interesting sort of thing to crop up
along about now, wouldn’t you say?’