"David Eddings - The Dreamers 03 - Crystal Gorge" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

serve our dear Vlagh, and the overmind in its wisdom advised us to gather up those sticks with teeth
which had been carried by man-things which had died during our struggles with them.

But then it came to the overmind that we still lacked the most powerful of the things which kill us, and
that is the thing which flickers and lays clouds close to the ground or far up into the sky. And as the
overmind came to understand that the thing which flickers and puts out light and clouds which lie near
the ground or rise up into the sky, we all came to know of it as well, and we knew full well that the thing
which flickers and puts out light might be the best of the things which kill, for if we could we have that
thing which kills, we could kill the man-things from far off, and thus it would be that the sticks with
teeth of the man-things could not reach us.

But though we sought far and wide, we found none of that which flickers and puts out light, and so we
were confounded.

But then it came to the overmind that we should search not for the flickers or the light, but rather for the
clouds which lie close to the ground or rise up into the sky, for these clouds are a sure sign that the thing
which flickers and puts out light must lie at the source of those clouds.

And many were the clouds we sought rising from the nesting places of the man things, but we dared not
to enter those nesting places, for the man-things which live in those nesting places have many of the
sticks with teeth and should they see us near their nesting places, they will surely take up their sticks
with teeth and kill us one and all.

But then it came to those of us which had sought knowledge of the man-things in the land of longer
summers that the man-things had often used a certain kind of low tree to drive us away from their things-
to-eat, for the low-to-the ground clouds which come from that particular low tree make it hard for us to
breathe, and over the passage of many periods of light and darkness, many of our kind have died when
they could no longer breathe.

And so it was that many of the seekers of knowledge circled around the new body of water which had
brought death to many of the servants of our Vlagh to seek out a low-tree which was still putting forth
the clouds which make it difficult to breathe. And after much searching, they saw a thin, dark cloud
rising from a single low-tree. Then they carefully burrowed through the ground around that low-tree to
loosen the limbs it had put down into the ground to hold it in place, and when the low-tree could no
longer cling to the ground, they brought it back from the land of longer summers. And now we had that
which flickers and puts out light - but only one of them.

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Crystal Gorge

Then it came to the overmind that we should have many of the flickers which put out light. And so we
closely examined that single low-tree and returned once more to the land of longer summers to gather
more of those low-trees, and we carried them back to the place where our single low-tree was flickering
and putting out light and a thick cloud as dark as that part of the day when the light in the sky has gone
away. And then we laid many of the low-trees we had found upon the single low-tree that flickered and
put out light, and behold! Where we had before had only one, we now had many.

And then there came a time of confusion for the overmind. The land of the sunset and the land of longer