"David Eddings - Belgarath the Sorcerer (2)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

"Found it," Belgarath called triumphantly from the pantry.

"She tried to hide it behind the flour barrel."

Garion smiled. His grandfather could probably find a beer cask in the
dark at the bottom of a coal mine.

The old man came out with three brimming tankards, set them down on the
table, and moved a chair around until it faced the fireplace. Then he
took one of the tankards, sat, and stretched his feet out toward the

"Pull up a chair, Garion," he invited.

"We might as well be comfortable."

Garion did that.

"It's been quite a night," he said.

"That it has, boy," the old man replied.

"That it has."

"Shouldn't we say good night to Aunt Pol?"

"Durnik's with her. Let's not disturb them. This is a special sort of
time for married people."

"Yes," Garion agreed, remembering that night two weeks ago when his
daughter had been born.

"Will you be going back to Riva soon?"

"I probably should," Garion replied.

"I think I'll wait a few days, though--at least until Aunt Pol's back
on her feet again."

"Don't wait too long," Belgarath advised with a sly grin.

"Ce'Nedra's sitting on the throne all by herself right now, you

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