"Books - David Eddings - Belgarath the Sorcerer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

of any kind.

Garion, however, thought he knew of a way to pry the story out of his
grandfather. He smiled to himself as the fire burned lower and lower
in the room below. He knew he could find out how it all began.

And then, because it was really quite late, Garion fell asleep, and,
perhaps because of all the familiar things in Aunt Pol's kitchen down
below, he dreamed of Faldor's farm, where his story had begun.

Part 1




The problem with any idea is the fact that the more it gets bandied
about, the more feasible it seems to become.

What starts out as idle speculation --something mildly entertaining to
wile away a few hours before going to bed--can become, once others are
drawn into it, a kind of obligation. Why can't people understand that
just because I'm willing to talk about something, it doesn't
automatically follow that I'm actually willing to do it?

As a case in point, this all started with Durnik's rather inane remark
about wanting to hear the whole story. You know how Durnik is, forever
taking things apart to see what makes them work. I can forgive him in
this case, however. Pol had just presented him with twins, and new
fathers tend to be a bit irrational. Garion, on the other hand, should
have had sense enough to leave it alone. I curse the day when I
encouraged that boy to be curious about first causes. He can be so
tedious about some things. If he'd have just let it drop, I wouldn't
be saddled with this awful chore.

But no. The two of them went on and on about it for day after day as
if the fate of the world depended on it. I tried to get around them
with a few vague promises--nothing specific, mind you--and fervently
hoped that they'd forget about the whole silly business.

Then Garion did something so unscrupulous, so underhanded, that it
shocked me to the very core. He told Polgara about the stupid idea,
and when he got back to Riva, he told Ce'Nedra. That would have been
bad enough, but would you believe that he actually encouraged those two
to bring Poledra into it?

I'll admit right here that it was my own fault. My only excuse is that
I was a little tired that night. I'd inadvertently let something slip