"Drake,.David.-.Mountain.Magic.-.Flint,.Eric.-.Spoor,.Ryk.E.-.Wellman,.Manly.Wade" - читать интересную книгу автора (Drake David)

Mountain Magic

Evil men and evil magic are poised to prey on the people of the
hamlets and hollows of Appalachia: witches, demons, and
criminals of more than one century. But the mountain folk have
defenders, too, as strange and varied as the dangers that threaten

David Drake's unforgettable OLD NATHAN the Wizard, a
backwoodsman who talks to animals and who'll fight the Devil
himself if he must.

Henry Kuttner's grimly hilarious HOGBEN FAMILY, some of whom
aren't entirely human--and others who're entirely inhuman.

Eric Flint and Ryk E. Spoor's SLADES, whose uneasy coexistence
with underground spirits is about to end in an earthquake that'll
wipe humanity off the surface of four states.

Magic, mutants, and mountaineers mixing in adventures that range
from eerie to side-splittingly funny:

“[David Drake] has developed a following . . . just short of cult
proportions.” —Rave Reviews

“[Eric Flint is] an SF author of particular note, one who can entertain
and edify in equal, and major, measure.” —Publishers Weekly

“I consider the work of Henry Kuttner to be the finest science
fantasy ever written.” —Marion Zimmer Bradley

Cover art by Gary Ruddell


This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in
this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or
incidents is purely coincidental.

First paperback printing, October 2004

Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Printed in the United States of America