"David Drake - Hammer's Slammers 16 - Other Times Than Peace" - читать интересную книгу автора (Drake David)

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Other Times Than Peace

Table of Contents

Introduction: A Range of Treatments

Lambs to the Slaughter

Men Like Us

The Day of Glory

The Interrogation Team

A Death in Peacetime

Dreams in Amber

Safe to Sea

The Murder of Halley's Comet

The Hunting Ground

The False Prophet

A Grand Tour

About The Author

Introduction: ARangeofTreatments

I started out writing horror stories. To be precise, I started out by writing a pastiche of August Derleth
pastiches of H.P. Lovecraft horror stories. (It was very bad. The only collection I can imagine reprinting
it in is a retrospective where I can point to it and say, "See how much better I've gotten?" Which, believe
me, will be damning my later work with faint praise.)

From horror I moved to heroic fantasy (sword and sorcery, if you prefer), to mainstream SF, to space
opera, to military SF (I distinguish between those two subgenres), and even to humor. I've also written
quite a lot of fantasy—the Isles series of Tolkienesque fantasies for Tor of course, but quite a lot before I
started that series as well.

There aren't any fantasies in this collection, but I've included samples from the other named subgenres. I