"Kerr, Katharine - Deverry 01 - Daggerspell v1.1" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dragon Stories)

“I just forgot. I couldn’t think.”
“I suppose not. What’s that on your mouth? Did you throw up?”
Jill wiped her face on her sleeve. He was still her da, her handsome wonderful da, but she had just seen him kill a man. When he laid his hand on her shoulder, she flinched.
“I’m not going to slap you,” Cullyn said, misunderstanding. “I threw up myself the first time I saw a man killed. Ah by the hells, another man dead over pig food! I hope that fool ends this here.”
“Ynydd, you mean?” Abryn said.
“Him, too,” Cullyn said.
The warband took the dead man’s body back to the dun for the Tieryn to send to Ynydd in honorable return. Since the dead man’s horse had fled in the rout, Abryn had to give up his pony and ride behind Cullyn. When the riders tied the corpse over the saddle, Jill made herself look at it, flopping like her rag doll, not a man anymore at all. She felt sicker than before. When they reached the dun, Glyn and the servants ran out to meet them. In the confusion, Jill slipped away, going around behind the broch and finding a quiet spot to sit in the shade of the ruined wall. She knew that Abryn would run to his mother, and she envied him bitterly.
She’d been there for some time before Cullyn found her. He sat down next to her on the ground. She could hardly look at him.
“The herald’s riding out now to take that poor lad home,” Cullyn said. “This corpse should end the thing. The honor of Braedd’s piss-poor warband has been avenged, and Ynydd’s had all the gas scared out of both ends of him.”
Jill looked at Cullyn’s hands, resting on his thighs. Without his heavy gauntlets, they looked like his hands again, the ones that gave her food and combed her hair and patted her on the shoulder. She wondered why she’d thought that they would have changed. He’s killed lots of men, she thought, that’s why he has all that glory.
“Still feel sick?” Cullyn said.
“I don’t. I didn’t think blood would smell like that.”
“Well, it does, and it runs like that, too. Why do you think I didn’t want you riding with us?”
“Did you know someone would get killed?”
“I was hoping I could stop it, but I was ready for it. I always am, because I have to be. I truly did think those lads would break sooner than they did, you see, but there was one young wolf in the pack of rabbits. Poor bastard. That’s what he gets for his honor.”
“Da? Are you sorry for him?”
“I am. I’ll tell you something, my sweet, that no other man in Deverry would admit: I’m sorry for every man I ever killed, somewhere deep in my heart. But it was his Wyrd, and there’s nothing a man can do about his own Wyrd, much less someone else’s. Someday my own Wyrd will take me, and I’ve no doubt it’ll be the same one I’ve brought to many a man. It’s like a bargain with the gods. Every warrior makes it. Do you understand?”
“Sort of. Your life for theirs, you mean?”
“Just that. There’s nothing else a man can do.” Jill began to feel better. Thinking of it as Wyrd made it seem clean again.
“It’s the only honor left to me, my bargain with my Wyrd,” Cullyn went on. “I told you once, and no doubt I’ll tell you a thousand times over, never dishonor yourself. If ever you’re tempted to do the slightest bit of a dishonorable thing, you remember your father, and what one dishonor brought him—the long road and shame in the eyes of every honest man.”*
“But wasn’t it your Wyrd to have the dagger?”
“It wasn’t.” Cullyn allowed himself a brief smile. “A man can’t make his Wyrd better, but it’s in his hands to make it worse.”
“Da?” Jill said. “Do the gods make a man’s Wyrd?”
“They don’t. Wyrd rules the gods, too. They can’t turn aside a man’s Wyrd no matter how much he prays and carries on. Do you remember the story of Gwindyc, back in the Dawntime? The Goddess Epona tried to save his life, but his Wyrd was upon him. She sent a spear at the Rhwmanes, but Gwindyc turned and took the spear in his own side.”
“So he did, and he didn’t even complain. But that lad you killed screamed.”
“I heard him.” Cullyn’s face went dead calm, just as it had in the battle. “But don’t hold it against him. I don’t.”
Jill thought for a moment, then leaned against his shoulder. Cullyn put his arm around her and pulled her close. He was still her fathier—and all she had in the world.
Close to nightfall, the herald returned. After conferring with the Tieryni and the herald, Councillor Glyn sought Cullyn out.
“Lord Ynydd will sue for peace in the morning,” Glyn said. “And Tieryn Braedd will grant it.”
“Thanks be to all the gods,” Cullyn said. “Here, Jill and I will be riding on in the morning.”
That night Cullyn let Jill sleep in the same bunk with him. She cuddled up to his broad back and tried to think of things other than the battle, but she dreamt about it. All over again she ran up to Cullyn and saw the dead rider, but when she looked up, Cullyn was gone, and Aiva stood there, just as Jill had always imagined her—tall and strong, with golden braids coiled about her head and a long spear in her hand. She was carrying a shield with the device of the moon in its dark phase. Jill knew she couldn’t see the moon if it was dark, but in the dream she could. Since she refused to disgrace herself in front of Aiva, Jill made herself look at the rider. As she watched, his whole body turned to blood and soaked into the earth until there was nothing but grass, growing thick and green. When she looked up, Aiva was smiling at her, and the moon on her shield was full.
Jill woke up and listened to the comfortable sound of Cullyn snoring beside her. She thought over the dream to make sure that she remembered all of it. Although she wasn’t sure why, she knew it was very important.

For seven long years, ever since the lark omen down on the Eldidd coast, Nevyn had been wandering the kingdom and searching for the child who held his Wyrd in her soul. For all the power of his dweomer, it had its limits. He could never scry out a person whom he hadn’t seen at least once in the flesh. Trusting the luck that’s more than luck, he’d taken his riding horse and his pack mule, laden with herbs and medicines, and lived by tending the ills of the poor folk as he traveled endlessly from place to place. Now, with another summer coming to an end, he was on the road to Cantrae, a city in the northeast corner of the kingdom. He had a good friend there, Lidyn the apothecary, with whom he could spend the winter in comfort.
The Cantrae road ran through endless grassy hills stippled with white birches in the little valleys. Nevyn traveled past roaming herds of horses, tended by mounted men, which were Cantrae province’s true wealth. That particular day, he was traveling slowly, letting his horse pick its own pace while the mule plodded behind. He was lost in thought that was close to being a trance, musing over the woman he would always think of as Brangwen, even though she was now a child with another name. All at once he was startled out of his reverie by the clatter and pounding of a mounted warband trotting straight downhill toward him. There were about twenty men with the silver dragon of Aberwyn blazon on the shields slung beside each saddle, and at their head was a young lad. One of the men screamed at Nevyn to get off the road and out of the way. Nevyn hurriedly swung his horse’s head to the right, but the lad rose up in his stirrups and yelled at the warband to halt.
Sulkily, with a clatter of hooves and the jingle of tack, the men did as they were told. As Nevyn rode toward them, he realized with a sense of absolute amazement that the young lord at their head was ordering them to get off the road and let the aged herbman pass by. The lad was only about ten, dressed in the blue, silver, and green plaid of Aberwyn, and easily one of the most beautiful children Nevyn had ever seen. He had raven-dark wavy hair, large cornflower blue eyes, and perfect features, his mouth so soft and well formed that it was almost girlish. Nevyn stopped his horse beside him and made him a bow from the saddle.
“My humble thanks, my lord,” Nevyn said. “You honor me too highly.”
“Any man with hair as white as yours, good sir, deserves some courtesy.” The young lord shot his men a haughty glance. “It’s easier for us to handle our horses than it must be for you.”
“Well, true spoken. Would his lordship honor me by telling me his name?”
“Lord Rhodry Maelwaedd of Aberwyn.” The lad gave him a charming smile. “And I’ll wager you wonder what Eldidd men are doing all the way up here.”
“Well, truly, I did have a thought that way.”
“Well, I was a page at my uncle’s, Yvmur of Cantrae, but my father sent part of his warband to fetch me home. My brother Aedry just got killed.”
“That saddens my heart, my lord.”
“It saddens mine, too.” Lord Rhodry looked at the reins in his hand and blinked back tears. “I loved Aedry. He wasn’t like Rhys—he’s my eldest brother, I mean. Rhys can be a true hound.” He looked back up with a sheepish smile. “I shouldn’t be saying that to a stranger.”
“Well, truly, you shouldn’t, my lord.”
When Nevyn looked into the boy’s dark blue eyes, he nearly swore aloud. For a moment he looked into another pair of eyes, looked through them into the soul of a man whose Wyrd was inextricably bound with his and Brangwen’s. Then the vision left him.
“And will his lordship be staying at the Aberwyn court?” Nevyn said.
“Probably.” Rhodry shrugged uneasily. “I guess my father wants me home because I’m the second heir now.”
‘It would doubtless be wise of him, my lord. I may see his lordship in Aberwyn. I often travel to Eldidd to gather herbs.”