"Dragonlance - Legends 02 - War of the Twins - Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weis 1.2" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dragonlance)Dizzily, her heart racing in terror, Crysania struggled to sit up, her hand pawing the floor frantically for the medallion.
A face came hear hers. She glanced up quickly from her search, thinking it was Caramon.. . . It wasn't. A disembodied head floated hear her. "No!" she whispered, unable to move, feeling life drain from her hands, her body, her very heart. Fleshless hands grasped her arms, drawing her near; bloodless lips gaped, eager for warmth. "Paladi-" Crysania tried to pray, but she felt her soul being sucked from her body by the creature's deadly touch. Then she heard, dimly and far away, a weak voice chanting words of magic. Light exploded around her. The head so near her own vanished with a shriek, the fleshless hands loosed their grasp. There was an acrid smell of sulphur. "Shirak." The explosive light was gone. A soft glow lit the room. Crysania sat up. "Raistlin!" she whispered thankfully. Staggering to her hands and knees, she crawled forward across the blackened, blasted floor to reach the mage, who lay on his back, breathing heavily. One hand rested on the Staff of Magius. Light radiated from the crystal ball clutched in the golden dragon's claw atop the staff. "Raistlin! Are you all right?" Kneeling beside him, she looked into his thin, pale face as he opened his eyes. Wearily, he nodded. Then, reaching up, he drew her down to him. Embracing her, he stroked her soft, black hair. She could feel his heart beat. The strange warmth of his body drove away the chill. "Don't be afraid!" he whispered soothingly, feeling her tremble. "They will not harm us. They have seen me and recognized me. They didn't hurt you?" She could not speak but only shook her head. He sighed again. Crysania, her eyes closed, lay in his embrace, lost in comfort. Then, as his hand went to her hair once more, she felt his body tense. Almost angrily, he grasped her shoulders and pushed her away from him. "Tell me what happened," he ordered in a weak voice. "I woke up here-" Crysania faltered. The horror of her experience and the memory of Raistlin's warm touch confused and unnerved her. Seeing his eyes grow cold and impatient, however, she made herself continue, keeping her voice steady. "I heard Caramon shout-" Raistlin's eyes opened wide. "My brother?" he said, startled. "So the spell brought him, too. I'm amazed I am still alive. Where is he?" Lifting his head weakly, he saw his brother, lying unconscious on the floor. "What's the matter with him?" "I-I cast a spell. He's blind," Crysania said, flushing. "I didn't mean to, it was when he was trying to ki-kill you-in Istar, right before the Cataclysm-" "You blinded him! Paladine . . . blinded him! Raistlin laughed. The sound reverberated off the cold stones, and Crysania cringed, feeling a chill of horror. But the laughter caught in Raistlin's throat. The mage began to choke and gag, gasping for breath. Crysania watched, helpless, until the spasm passed and Raistlin lay quietly once more. "Go on," he whispered irritably. "I heard him yell, but I couldn't see in the darkness. The medallion gave me light, though, and I found him and I-I knew he was blind. I found you, too. You were unconscious. We couldn't wake you. Caramon told me to describe where we were and then I saw'-she shuddered-"I saw those ... those horrible-" "Continue," Raistlin said. Crysania drew a deep breath, "Then the light from the medallion began to fail-" Raistlin nodded. "-and those ... things came toward us. I called out to you, using the name Fistandantilus. That made them pause. Then" -Crysania's voice lost its fear and was edged with anger-"your brother grabbed me and threw me down on the floor, shouting something about 'let them see him as he exists in their own darkness!' When Paladine's light no longer touched you, those creatures-" She shuddered and covered her face with her hands, still hearing Raistlin's terrible scream echoing in her mind. "My brother said that?" Raistlin asked softly after a moment. |