"Dragonlance Preludes i. vol ii - Kendermore" - читать интересную книгу автора (DragonLance)Tanis looked away from the flames, giving Flint a smile that was not reflected in those brooding, dark eyes. "I know." But this was to be a happy parting, and Tanis did not wish to think of Qualinost just now. Not yet. He flashed Flint a cheery smile. "And if I know you, Flint Fireforge, you'll spend the whole five years whittling before your hearth." Flint sliced an over-large chunk from the wood in his fingers. "And what would be wrong with that?" he asked indignantly. Tanis was sure now that the dwarf intended to do just that. "Nothing, except that it would be awfully boring after an hour or so," interjected Tasslehoff, sending sparks flying as he stirred up the fire in the hearth. "You know, Flint, I could stay for a while and keep you company and -" "And nothing." Flint cut in, glaring at the kender. "I don't need any lame-brained kender underfoot! Did it occur to you that may e I'd like to be a little bored after having you kids cluttering up my hearth for so.long!" Tanis found the term "kid" amusing since he was nearly one hundred years old by human reckoning, though he looked twenty. Of course, Flint was no youngster himself - he was in his human. The grizzled dwarf wasn't finished yet. "Raistlin always brooding, Sturm so blasted stoic, Kitiara forever arm-wrestling with Caramon, or wrestling of another sort with Tanis...." His gruff expression softened, and he gave the half-elf a good-natured poke in the ribs. Tas leaned back his chair and propped his feet on the table. "Do you think Sturm has a chance of finding his father in Solamnia?" he asked, suddenly reminded of their friends who had already left. Sturm Brightblade and Kitiara Uth-Matar had left Solace earlier in the day, headed for Solamnia to the north. Sturm was searching for the father he'd been forced to leave as a child, and Kitiara had gone along for the adventure. "If Sir Brightblade is still alive, I'm sure Sturm will find him," Tanis said firmly. "He can't miss with Kit along to help." The fire crackled and popped, spitting a hot ember onto Tas's left leg. With a yelp he was on his feet, leaping around madly. "Ouch! Ouch! Is that why Kit went - to look for Sturm's father?" he asked, slapping furiously at his smoldering legging. |