"Dragonlance Preludes 1 vol 1 - Darkness and Light" - читать интересную книгу автора (DragonLance)"Since everyone has decided to undertake journeys, this seems like a good time to announce one of my own." Flint snorted. "You wouldn't last two days on the road." "Perhaps not." Raistlin folded his long, tapering fingers. "Unless my brother goes with me." "Where and when?" asked Caramon, pleased to be going anywhere. "I cannot say where just now," Raistlin said. His pale blue eyes stared fixedly at his nearly untouched plate of food. "It may be a long and perilous voyage." Caramon jumped up. "I'm ready." "Siddown," Kitiara said, dragging on her brother's vest tail. Caramon plumped down on his stool. Flint sighed a great, gusty sigh. "You're all leaving me," he said. "I'll not go a-tinkering this season, and all my friends are going their own way He sighed again, so heavily that the rack of candles flickered. yourself. There's no law that says you have to stay in Solace by yourself. Don't you have any relatives that you can impose on?" "Yes," Tasslehoff added, "you can visit your graybearded, I mean gray-haired, old mother. The dwarf bellowed his outrage. Those sitting closest to Flint -- Caramon and Sturm -- slid quickly away from the furious dwarf. Flint banged his tankard on the tabletop, sending a splash of ale at Tasslehoff. Rivulets of sticky golden ale ran off the kender's nose and soaked into his topknot of wild brown hair. He rubbed the brew from his eyes. "Nobody makes sport of my mother!" Flint declared. "Not more than once, anyway," Tanis observed sagely. Tas wiped his face on his sleeve. He picked up his own scaled-down tankard (it was empty) and tucked it under his arm like an absurd helm. Assuming an air of injured dignity, he declaimed, "Now we must fight a duel!" Kitiara said gleefully. "I'll be your second, Tas." |