"Dragonlance Legends, Vol. 1 - Time of the Twins" - читать интересную книгу автора (DragonLance) the intrusion upon their author any easier."
Bertrem came to a halt outside the door to summon his cour- age. His flowing Aesthetic's robes settled themselves about him, falling into correct and orderly folds. His stomach, how- ever, refused to follow the robes' example and lurched about wildly. Bertrem ran his hand across his scalp, a nervous gesture left over from a younger age, before his chosen profession had cost him his hair. What was bothering him? he wondered bleakly - other than going in to see the Master, of course, something he had not done since... since... He shuddered. Yes, since the young mage had nearly died upon their doorstep during the last war. War... change, that was what it was. Like his robes, the world had finally seemed to settle around him, but he felt change coming once again, just as he had felt it two years ago. He wished he could stop it.... Bertrem sighed. "I'm certainly not going to stop anything by standing out here in the darkness," he muttered. He felt uncom- fortable anyway, as though surrounded by ghosts. A bright light shone from under the door, beaming out into the hallway. Giving a quick glance backward at the shadows of the books, peaceful corpses resting in their tombs, the Aesthetic quietly opened the door and entered the study of Astinus of Palanthas. Though the man was within, he did not speak, nor even look Walking with gentle, measured tread across the rich rug of lamb's wool that lay upon the marble floor, Bertrem paused before the great, polished wooden desk. For long moments he said nothing, absorbed in watching the hand of the historian guide the quill across the parchment in firm, even strokes. "Well, Bertrem?" Astinus did not cease his writing. Bertrem, facing Astinus, read the letters that - even upside down - were crisp and clear and easily decipherable. This day, as above Darkwatch rising 29, Bertrem entered my study. "Crysania of the House of Tarinius is here to see you, Master. She says she is expected...." Bertrem's voice trailed off in a whisper, it having taken a great deal of the Aesthetic's courage to get that far. Astinus continued writing. "Master," Bertrem began faintly, shivering with his daring. "I - we are at a loss. She is, after all, a Revered Daughter of Pal- adine and I - we found it impossible to refuse her admittance. What sh -" "Take her to my private chambers," Astinus said without ceasing to write or looking up. Bertrem's tongue clove to the roof of his mouth, rendering him momentarily speechless. The letters flowed from the quill pen to the white parchment. |