"Dragonlance Dragons, Vol. 2 - The Dragons at War" - читать интересную книгу автора (DragonLance)

Caramon stands up on a keg of ale to be seen over the crowd, and makes the
"First, I'd like to present the old-timers like me," Caramon says. "These
friends date clear back to the time of the War of the Lance. Just raise your
hand when I call your name. Tasslehoff, put your hand down. We have tonight:
Michael Williams, Jeff Grubb, Nick O'Donohoe, Roger Moore, Doug Niles, Margaret
Weis, Tracy Hickman ... Where's Tracy?"
Caramon peers out into the crowd. There are shouts of laughter when Hickman is
discovered wearing mouse-colored robes and accusing everyone of stealing his
After the noise subsides, Caramon resumes. "A few of our bards this evening are
making return appearances. Please raise your hands. No, Tas, that doesn't
include you. IСWait a minute! What's that you're holding in your hand? That's
tonight's cash box! Tas! Give me that!"
General confusion. Caramon clambers down off the keg.
Tas's shrill voice rises in protest. "I was just keeping it safe, and a good
thing, too! There's a lot of shady-looking characters in this crowd tonight."
"No, that's just Roger!" calls out Michael Williams.
When order (and the cash box) are restored, Caramon introduces the bards who
have told stories here before: Janet Pack, Linda Baker, Mark Anthony, and Don
"Finally," says Caramon, out of breath and red in the face, "I am pleased to
introduce several bards who are newcomers to Ansalon. Everyone please welcome
Adam Lesh, Chris Pierson, and J. Robert King."
The newcomers are warmly welcomed and advised to keep their hands on their
Caramon bows to thunderous applause and returns to his place behind the bar.
Tika makes a final call for ale.
Come, friend. There's room on this bench next to me. Sit down. Order a mug and
be prepared to laugh and cry, shudder and shiver.
Tonight, our storytellers are going to talk about The Dragons at War.

Dream of the Namer
Michael Williams


The song of the high grass,
the twinned lamps
of the arcing moon,

the whisper of stars
and the darker moon
we must always rememberС

these are the guides
on the first of the journeys
to a time past remembrance,

past the words for time