"Dragonlance Chronicles Vol. 2 - Dragons of Winter Night" - читать интересную книгу автора (DragonLance)"I am now;" Tanis said, flushing in shame at his weakness. "It was the heat . . . and the noise:" "Well, we'll be out of here soon;' Sturm said. 'Depending, of course, on whether or not the Council of Highseekers votes to let us go to Tarsis:' "Oh, there's no doubt how they'll vote;" Tanis said, shrugging. "Elistan is clearly in control, now that he's led the people to a place of safety. None of the Highseekers dares oppose him-at least to his face. No, my friend, within a month's time perhaps, we'll be setting sail in one of the white-winged ships of Tarsis the Beautiful:' "Without the Hammer of Kharas," Sturm added bitterly. Softly, he began to quote. " 'And so if was told that the Knights took the golden Hammer, the Hammer blessed 6y the great god Paladine and given to the One of the Silver Arm so that he might forge the Dragonlance of Huma, Dragonbane, and gave the Hammer to the dwarf they called Kharas, or Knight, for his extraordinary valor and honor in battle. And he kept Kharas for his name. And the Hammer of Kharas passed into the dwarven kingdom with assurances from the dwarves that it should be brought forth again at need-" "It has been brought forth;' Tanis said, straggling to contain his rising anger. He had heard that quotation entirely too many times! "II has been brought forth and will be left behind!" Sturm bit the words. "We might have taken it to Solamnia, used it to forge our own dragonlances "And you would be another Huma, riding to glory, the Dragonlance in your hand!" Tanis's control snapped. "Meanwhile you'd let eight hundred people die-" "No, I would not have let them die!" Sturm shouted in a towering rage. "The first clue we have to the dragonlances and you sell it for-" Both men stopped arguing abruptly, suddenly aware of a shadow creeping from the darker shadows surrounding them. "Shirak;' whispered a voice, and a bright light flared, gleaming from a crystal ball clutched in the golden, disembodied claw of a dragon atop a plain, wooden staff. The light illuminated the red robes of a magic-user. The young mage walked toward the two, leaning upon has staff, coughing slightly. The light from his staff shone upon a skeletal face, with glistening metallic gold skin drawn tightly over fine bones. His eyes gleamed golden. "Raistlin;" said Tanis, his voice tight. "Is there something you want?" He stopped before the two. Stretching forth his frail hand, the mage spoke, "Akular-alan suh Tagolann Jistrathar." and a pale image of a weapon shimmered into being as Tanis and Sturm watched in astonishment. It was a footman's lance, nearly twelve feet long. The point was made of pure silver, barbed and gleaming, the shaft crafted of polished wood. The kip was steel, designed to be thrust into the ground. "It's beautiful!" Tanis gasped. "What is it?" "A dragonlance;" Raistlin answered. Holding the lance in his hand, the mage stepped between the two, who stood aside to let him pass as if unwilling to be touched by him. Their eyes were on the lance. Then Raistlin turned and held it out to Sturm. "There is your dragonlance, knight," Raistlin hissed, "without benefit of the Hammer or the Silver Arm. Will you ride with it into glory, remembering that, for I-luma, with glory came death?" Sturm's eyes flashed. He caught his breath in awe as he reached out to take hold of the dragonlance. To his amazement, his hand passed right through it! The dragonlance vanished, even as he touched it. "More of your tricks!" he snarled. Spinning on his heel, he stalked away, choking in anger. "If you meant that as a joke, Raistlin;' Tanis said quietly, "it wasn't funny:" "A joke?" the mage whispered. His strange golden eyes followed the knight as Sturm walked into the thick blackness of the dwarven city beneath the mountain. "You should know me better, Tanis." The mage laughed-the weird laughter Tanis had heard only once before. Then, bowing sardonically to the half-elf, Raistlin disappeared, following the knight into the shadows. Book I |