"Sara Douglass - The Axis Trilogy 2 - Enchanter" - читать интересную книгу автора (Douglass Sara)

"Do you worry about her, Axis? Do you wonder if she is all right?" she asked,
and then wished desperately she could snatch her words back.
Axis tensed at her side and Azhure could sense his withdrawal. He rarely
spoke of Faraday and yet Azhure knew she was always in his thoughts.
Azhure stumbled on, trying to relieve the sudden tension. "I saw her, you
know, at Yuletide. She is a woman who combines great beauty with great
compassion and selflessness. It is no wonder you love her as you do."
"You saw her?" Axis frowned. "How?"
"Did StarDrifter not tell you how he and Faraday woke the Earth Tree at
Yuletide as the Skraelings attacked the Earth Tree Grove?"
Axis nodded, still frowning, and Azhure hurried on. "I don't know what
enchantment StarDrifter used, but Faraday appeared as if in a vision above the
Earth Tree. No-one else saw her. StarDrifter and Raum were concentrating so
hard on the Tree that they did not look up. I don't know if she saw me, but she
looked down and smiled." Azhure gave a litde shrug. "At least, I like to think she
smiled at me."
Axis relaxed a little. "She would like you, and you her. It is a pity you are
both caught in the web of this Prophecy."
"If / were married to Borneheld he would not have survived his wedding
night," Azhure said tightly. Over the past few weeks she had learned much of
Faraday's circumstances. "Why did she not escape with you to Talon Spike?"
"Because she honours the vows that she took when she became Borneheld's
wife, Azhure. Even her love for me will not make her desert her honour." He
sounded bitter. "Do I wonder about her? Do I worry if she is all right? With every
breath that I draw, Azhure. I live for her."
They both swivelled towards the voice. StarDrifter stood on the ledge by the
archway that led back into the mountain, his white wings a litde outstretched to
aid his balance.
. Axis stood in one fluid motion, feeling his father's intrusion keenly.
StarDrifter held his gaze briefly, then dropped his eyes to Azhure and smiled
warmly at her, his face breathtaking in its beauty. "You should not bring Azhure
out here, Axis. She does not have our balance." He stepped forward and helped
Azhure to her feet, clasping her hand as he led her back into the safety of the
As they stepped through the archway and down into the wide corridor,
Azhure pulled her hand awkwardly from StarDrifter s grasp. "I followed Axis out
there, StarDrifter. It was not his fault. And neither the height of the cliff nor the
narrowness of the ledge bother me. Truly."
StarDrifter looked back at her. He wished- she would abandon the Avar tunic
and leggings and wear the loose flowing robes favoured by the Icarii women;
she would look superb in their jewelled colours and she had the grace to do their
elegance justice.
Axis stepped down into the corridor behind them and StarDrifter glanced at
his son. The tensions of their morning argument remained, and this afternoon's
training session would not be easy. No doubt they would end this afternoon with
angry words as well. Axis was so desperate to learn, but hated being the
Yet he learned so well, and so quickly. That was part of the problem, for Axis
wanted to learn faster than StarDrifter was willing to teach. While StarDrifter