"Ian Douglas - The Heritage Trilogy 01 - Semper Mars" - читать интересную книгу автора (Douglas Ian)The last pale glow of the sunset had long since… Ten It was just past midnight, the time of the day… Eleven Most of the Marines in the barracks area were asleep. Twelve “I talked to Doc Casey,” Garroway told the others at… Thirteen “So, you got your lines down?” Garroway asked. It was… Fourteen It had been eight days since Kaitlin had seen Yukio,… Fifteen Sixteen It was, Garroway thought, one of the oddest-looking marches in… Seventeen Mark Garroway watched his daughter’s face on the Mars cat’s… Eighteen The president looked a lot older now than he had… Nineteen The Star Eagle Michael E. Thornton, a single-stage-to-orbit SCRAMjet transport,… Twenty “So,” Mark Garroway said in what he’d intended to be… Twenty-One “Cheyenne Mountain, Shepard,” Colonel Dahlgren said, peering into the telescopic… |