"Dixon, Franklin W - Hardy Boys 044 - The Haunted Fort (b)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dixon Franklin W)

The trooper looked annoyed. "The light still says red, and besides, the alarm bell rang."

"But-but-" Chet spluttered in surprise. "Let's see your license."

"Officer," Frank spoke up, "we're in a hurry. We're chasing a thief!"

The trooper smiled in spite of himself. "Well, I've never heard that one before."

"But we are!" Joe insisted. "A painting was stolen in Bayport."

"You can check with Chief Collig there," said Frank.

The trooper eyed the trio suspiciously. "Okay. But if this is a hoax, I'll arrest all three of you." He strode to his car and spoke into the radio. Three minutes later he trotted back. "Accept my apologies, boys. You were right. Can you describe that car?"

As Joe gave the information, including the license number which he had memorized, Chet hurried to the toll basket. He returned waving a cloth in his hand. "That's a clever crook!" he shouted. "He dropped this rag in the basket so my quarter wouldn't register."

"He won't get away from us," the trooper said. He ran to his car, radioed to police ahead, then sped off at ninety miles an hour.

"Now we've got action," Frank said as Chet urged the Queen along the thruway.

Three exits later, they saw the trooper parked alongside the road. Chet pulled up behind him.

"Sorry, boys!" the officer called out. "The thief gave us the shake. But we'll track him down!"

After a brief stop at a snack bar the trio continued on toward Crown Lake, with Frank at the wheel.

The flat countryside gave way to ranges of dark and light green hills, several of them arching spectacularly up on either side of the broad road, curving toward the blue sky.

An hour later they left the state thruway and proceeded through several small towns before sighting the bluish-gray water of Crown Lake. It appeared, partially screened by a ridge of trees, then came into full view at a rise just beyond where there was a dirt road and a sign: MILL WOOD ART SCHOOL 500 YARDS AHEAD TO THE RIGHT. Frank swung into the road and in a few minutes the sloping green lawns of the estate came into view. Frank pulled the car into a parking area facing the edge of the slope and stopped next to a large oak.

Chet led the way vigorously down a graveled path which wound across the grounds. "Uncle Jim's teaching his class now," he called back to the Hardys.

Ahead, on a level stretch of lawn, the trio saw a group of young people standing in front of easels. Near one student stood a tall, husky, blond-haired man in a painting smock. When he saw the boys, he beamed and hurried over.

"Chet! Good to see you again!"

"Hello, Uncle Jim I" Chet promptly introduced Frank and Joe to Mr. Kenyon, who shook hands warmly.

"Welcome to Millwood." He smiled. "Fortunately, my last class today is finishing, and I can help you with your luggage."

The painting instructor accompanied the boys back across the lawn toward the uphill path. Suddenly one of the students cried out:

"Look out! That car-it's rolling!"

A shudder passed through the boys as they saw the yellow Queen starting down the slope from the parking area. Directly in its path two girls stood rooted in terror at their easels.

Chet's jalopy gathered speed. It hurtled faster and faster toward the girls!

"We've got to stop it!" shouted Joe, on the run.