"Dixon, Franklin W - Hardy Boys 044 - The Haunted Fort (b)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dixon Franklin W)

Frank grinned and arced a slow-motion swing toward his teasing pal, but in a flash Chet was on his feet, twirling his coonskin cap. "I'm half-packed already." He brightened, a hopeful look in his eye. "Will you fellows come along?"

"Try and keep us away!" Joe exclaimed. He was as excited as Frank at the prospect of adventure.

Both boys, sons of Bayport's famous detective, Fenton Hardy, had already tackled and solved many mysteries. From the baffling secret of The Tower Treasure to their most recent case, The Mystery of the Aztec Warrior, the boys welcomed each new challenge. Chet, their loyal and close friend, though sometimes reluctant to sleuth with them, often proved to be of great help, "Chet," Frank added, "didn't you mention a haunted fort on the phone?"

"Oh that!" Chet groaned. "Yes, I did. Uncle Jim said something about an old French fort nearby, but maybe it's not important. Gee, fellows, haunted places don't agree with me I"

"I don't know," Frank mused, winking at Joe. "I hear some ghosts are pretty well-fed. Think we could introduce Chet to one or two up at Crown Lake?"

Chet could not repress a smile as the brothers chuckled, then patted him on the back. Suddenly they heard a scream from the front porch.

"That's Callie!" Joe cried out.

The three boys rushed downstairs. Iola stood trembling in the doorway. Callie, pale with fright, pointed to a hairy object on the lawn.

"What happened?" Frank asked in alarm.

Callie said that a speeding black car had slowed in front of the house and somebody had tossed out the object.

"It looks like-like a scalp!" Iola shuddered.

The Hardys rushed out to the lawn and Frank knelt over the strange thing.

It's a scalp!" Frank exclaimed." It's a scalp all right-made of papier-machie! Looks pretty real with all this red paint."

Joe picked it up. "There's a note attached!" He removed a small piece of paper from the underside. Frowning, he read the typewritten words aloud:

" 'Use your heads, stay away from Crown Lake'"

"Did you get a look at the driver?" Frank asked, as Iola and Callie joined the boys.

"No, but I think it was an out-of-state license plate," Callie replied. "I thought he was just a litterbug until I saw-that."

The gruesome-looking object was made from black bristles of the sort used in paintbrushes. Frank turned to Chet and Joe. "What do you fellows make of it?"

Joe shrugged. "Who would want to stop us from going to Crown Lake-and why?"

"Also," Chet added, "how did anybody even know we had been invited up to Crown Lake by my uncle?"

The young people discussed the strange warning as the Hardys returned to their car, where Frank deposited the fake scalp.

"This grisly clue indicates one thing," Frank concluded. "Somebody wants us to stay away from Millwood Art School! If that's where our 'scalper' is from, it might explain how he learned of Mr. Kenyon's invitation."

"Speaking of invitations," Joe said, "what time do you want to leave tomorrow, Chet?"

"Leave!" Iola and Callie exclaimed.

"Sure." Frank grinned. "I've always been interested in Indian haircuts-that is, unless Chet wants to back out."