"William C. Dietz - By Force of Arms" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dietz William)

Maylo peered down across her lover's shoulder.

"Yes," Booly agreed. "But why?"

Maylo frowned. The Thraki race was but one element
in a very complicated political picture.

Humans, along with a number of alien species had
founded a star-spanning government called the Confeder-
acy of Sentient Beings. First conceived as a military alli-
ance, the Confederacy had become much more than that,
and me key to interstellar peace and prosperity. Not that
all of its members could or should be trusted. The Clone
Hegemony along with the Ramanthians and others had
agendas of their own and had been at the very center of
the effort not only to subvert Earth's duly constituted gov-
ernment but to destabilize the Confederacy as well.

A rather complex situation made all the more difficult
by the arrival of the Thraki, who dropped out of hyper-
space, formed a relationship with the conspirators, and
took possession of a world called Zynig-47. Other planets
had been colonized as well, most with permission from the
Hegemony, but some without it.

All during a time when the Confederacy's armed forces
were not only suffering from the cumulative effects of se-
rial downsizings but were divided by the recent mutiny.

Then, as if those problems were not enough, Maylo's
uncle, a businessman-politician named Sergi Chien-Chu,
had learned that the Thraki were on the run from some-
thing called "the Sheen," and hoped to use the Confeder-
acy for what amounted to cannon fodder. All of which was
extremely important—but didn't begin to answer Booty's
question. What did the Thrakies hope to gain? And which

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Thraki were behind the attack since their society included
at least two opposing groups. The Runners and the Facers.
There was no way to know.

One thing was clear, however, her uncle might be tar-