"William C. Dietz - By Force of Arms" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dietz William)whir out of the way, and removed a curvilinear tube.
"Here, you can speak into this." Jepp recognized the device as some sort of handset and heard a voice issue from a hole. "Jepp? Is that you?" The sound of the merchant's voice was enough to trig- ger unpleasant memories. The prospector remembered what it had been like to wait for hours while Small sat in his office. And then, i/he was very, very lucky, to be given five minutes in which to make his case. Why the existing loan should be extended, why he would strike it rich, why Small should be patient. And how, when the whole hu- miliating ritual was over. Small would part with a tiny fraction of the money he'd made during the last five minutes, and Jepp would slink away. But not this time Jepp thought to himself. "Yes," Jepp said out loud. "It certainly is. How do you like my fleet?" Small, who had taken the precaution of draping a hand- kerchief over McGurk's less than sanitary corn set, gave a grunt of derision. "I don't know who owns those ships . .. but it certainty isn't you." "Oh really?" Jepp replied, eyeing the huge doughnut- 16 William C. Dietz shaped space hab that had appeared on the shuttle's view- screen. "How's that refueling station doing? You know, the one that charges twice the going rate, just for being out on the Rim?" Small felt something gnaw at his gut. He made it to his feet, grabbed the cane, and walked toward the door. Maybe the folks down at the corn center could tell him what the hell was going on. "Now Jorley ... there's no reason to get all excited . .. let's talk." A mob had formed in front of the corn center but parted to let Small through. Voices babbled and questions flew, but the merchant ignored them. People scattered as Small barged into the main office and eyed the wall screen. There file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/....%20Dietz%20-%20By%20Force%20of%20ArmsUC.txt (11 of 230) [2/6/2004 5:15:38 PM] file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/William%20C.%20Dietz%20-%20By%20Force%20of%20ArmsUC.txt were ships all right, lots of them, more than he could count. And there, right between some red deltas was his |