"Paul Di Filippo - Weeping Walls" - читать интересную книгу автора (Di Filippo Paul) Paul Di Filippo was custom-made for an anthology like this. With his wit and wild invention, evidenced in
wacky books as The Steampunk Trilogy and Lost Pages (in which a costumed Franz Kafka—yes, I said Kafka—roams the night of Manhattan as the avenger Jackdaw) he's proved himself an able postpunk success the likes of the great Philip Jose Farmer. His story for this book is one of those I d point to when asked what I was looking for for Redshift—it's hilarious, and viciously apt. If you don't think the media is really heading this way—think again. Weeping Walls Paul Di Filippo "I want those fucking teddy bears, and I want them yesterday 1 ." Lisa Dutch bellowed the telephone as if denouncing Trotsky in front of Stalin. Tectonic emotions threate to fracture the perfect makeup landscaping the compact features of her astound-ingly inno yet vaguely insane face. Eruptions of sweat beaded the cornsilk-fme blond hairs lay alongside her delicate ears. Seeking her attention, Jake Pasha was waving a folded newspaper under Lisa's charmi pert nose and toothpaste-blue eyes, and this impudence from her assistant infuriated her more. She glared at Jake like a wrathful goddess, Kali in a Donna Karan suit, but—aside swatting the paper away—she chose to vent her evil temper only on the hapless vendor hol down the other end of her conversation. "Listen, shithead! You promised me those goddamn bears for early-last week, and th not here yet. Do you have any idea how many orders I'm holding up for those bears? I r time-sensitive business here. We're talking thousands of bereaved husbands and w thanks to your goddamn incompentence. Not to mention the fucking kids! You can't find nose'? Are you fucking crazy"? Oh, the bears' noses! Well, I don't care if you draw goddamn noses on by hand with a racking pen! Just get me those motherfucking bears!" Lisa smashed the phone into its plastic cradle, where fractures revealed a history of stresses. Now she was free to concentrate on her assistant. "Unless you stop shoving that paper into my face this instant, Jake, I will tear y brand-new asshole. And while your boyfriends might well enjoy that feature, I guarantee th will make wearing your thong at the beach an utter impossibility." Jake stepped warily back from Lisa's desk and nervously brushed a fall of wheat-col hair off his broad brow. "My God, Lisa, you don't have to be such a frightening bitch with I'm already scared every morning when I walk through the door of this madhouse! Anyw was just trying to do my job." Lisa visibly composed herself, her stormy expression ceding to a professional mas good-natured calm. She forced out an apology that evidently tasted sour. "I'm sorry. But t vendors drive me nuts. Our whole business relies on them, and they're nothing but a bunc sleazy asswipes. Balloons, stuffed animals, flowers, wreaths, banners, can suncatchers—you'd think the people who sold such things would be nice, maybe New A people. But they're not. You know who the most up-front guys are? The construction guys. enough manners to fill a thimble, but if they can't deliver a wall, they let you know right a They don't string you along like these other pricks." "Be that as it may, dear, you've got something a tad more crucial to worry about now." flourished the newspaper in a less aggressive manner, and Lisa took it from him. Folded to the business section, the paper glibly offered its salient headline: |