"Void Moon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Connelly Michael)4CASSIE felt a weight lifting off her as she came out of the parole offices. Not simply because the monthly ordeal was over. But because she had caught a glimmer of understanding about herself while inside. In her struggle for an explanation of her feelings to Kibble she had arrived at an essential conclusion. She was marking time and she could do it their way or her own way. The open house in Laurel Canyon was not the cause of this. That was simply an accelerant; it was gasoline on an already burning fire. Her decision was clear now and in that clarity were feelings of both relief and fear. The fire was burning strongly now. Inside she began to feel the slight trickle of melt water from the frozen lake that for so long had been her heart. She walked between the municipal and county courthouses and through the plaza fronting the LAPD's Van Nuys station. There was a bank of pay phones near the stairs leading up to the police station's second-floor entrance. She picked one up, dropped in a quarter and a dime and punched in a number she had committed to memory more than a year earlier while in High Desert. It had come on a note smuggled to her in a tampon. After three rings the phone was answered by a man. "Yes?" It was more than six years since Cassie had heard the voice but it rang true and recognizable to her. It made her catch her breath. "Yes?" "Uh, yes, is this… is this D. H. Reilly?" "No, you have the wrong number." "Dog House Reilly? I was calling – " She looked down and read off the number of the phone she was standing at. "What kind of crazy name is that? No Dog House here and you've got the wrong number." He hung up. Cassie did, too. She then turned around and walked back into the plaza and took a seat on a bench about fifty feet from the pay phones. She shared the bench with a disheveled man who was reading a newspaper so yellowed that it had to be months old. Cassie waited almost forty minutes. When the phone finally started to ring, she was in the midst of a one-sided conversation with the disheveled man about the quality of the food service in the Van Nuys jail. She got up and trotted to the phones, the man yelling a final complaint at her. "Sausage like fucking Brillo pads! We were playing hockey in there!" She grabbed the phone after the sixth ring. "Leo?" A pause. "Don't use my name. How you doing, sweetheart?" "I'm okay. How are – " "You know, you been out now like a year, am I right?" "Uh, actually – " "And all that time and not even a hello from you. I thought I'd hear from you before now. You're lucky I even remembered that Dog House Reilly shtick." "Ten months. I've been out ten months." "And how's it been?" "Okay, I guess. Good, actually." "Not if you're calling me." "I know." There was a long silence then. Cassie could hear traffic noise coming from his end. She guessed he had left the house and found a pay phone somewhere on Ventura Boulevard, probably near the deli he liked to eat at. "So, you called me first," Leo prompted. "Right, yeah. I was thinking…" She paused and thought about everything again. She nodded her head. "Yeah, I need to get some work, Leo." "Don't use my name." "Sorry." But she smiled. Same old Leo. "You know me, a classic paranoid." "I was just thinking that." "All right, so you're looking for something. Give me some parameters? What are we talking about here?" "Cash. One job." "One job?" He seemed surprised and maybe even disappointed. "How big?" "Big enough to disappear on. To get a good start." "Must not be going too good then." "It's just that things are happening. I can't…" She shook her head and didn't finish. "You sure you're okay?" "Yes, I'm fine. I feel good, actually. Now that I know." "I know what you mean. I remember the time when I decided for good. When I said fuck it, this is what I do. And at the time, hell, I was only boosting air bags out of Chryslers. I've come a long way. We both have." Cassie turned and glanced back at the man on the bench. He was continuing his conversation. He hadn't really needed Cassie to be there. "You know, don't you, that with these parameters, you're probably talking Vegas. I mean, I could send you down to Hollywood Park or one of the Indian rooms but you're not going to see a lot of cash. You're talking fifteen, twenty a pop down there. But if you give me some time to set something in Vegas I could push the take." Cassie thought a moment. She had believed when the bus to High Desert pulled out of Las Vegas six years before that she would never see the place again. But she knew that what Leo was saying was accurate. Vegas was where the big money was. "Vegas is fine," she said abruptly. "Just don't take too long." "Who's that talking behind you?" "Just some old guy. Too much pruno while in lockup." "Where are you?" "I just left the PO." Leo laughed. "Nothing like having to pee in a cup to make you see life's possibilities. Tell you what, I'll keep an eye out for something. I got a heads up about something coming up in the next week or so. You'd be perfect. I'll let you know if it pans out. Where can I reach you?" She gave him the dealership number. The general number and not her direct line or her cell phone number. She didn't want those numbers written down and in his possession in case he took a bust. "One other thing," she said. "Can you still get passports?" "I can. Take me two, three weeks 'cause I send out for them, but I can get you one. It will be fucking grade A, too. A passport will run you a grand, a whole book twenty-five hundred. Comes with DL, Visa and Amex. Delta miles on the Amex." "Good. I'll want a whole book for me and then a second passport." "What do you mean, two? I'm telling you the first one will be perfect. You won't need another with – " "They're not both for me. I need the second for somebody else. Do you want me to send pictures to the house or do you have a drop?" Leo told her to send the photos to a mail drop. He gave her the address in Burbank, then asked her who the second passport was for and what names she wanted used in the manufacture of the false documents. She had anticipated the questions and had already picked the names. She offered to send the cash with the photos but Leo told her he could front it for the time being. He said it was an act of good faith, seeing that they were going back into business together. "So," he said, returning to the main business at hand. "You going to be ready for this? Been a long time. People get rusty. If I put you out there, I'll be on the line, you know." "I know. You don't have to worry. I'll be ready." "Okay, then. I'll be talking to you." "Thanks. I'll be seeing you." "Oh, and sweetheart?" "What?" "I'm glad you're back. It'll be like old times again." "No, Leo. Not without Max. It will never be the same again." This time Leo didn't protest her use of his name. They both hung up and Cassie walked away from the phones. The man on the bench called after her but she couldn't make out what it was he had said. She had to walk up to Victory Boulevard to get to the Boxster. It was the closest she had been able to get to the criminal justice complex. Along the way she thought about Max Freeling. She remembered their last moments together; the bar at the Cleo, the beer foam in his mustache, the tiny scar on his chin where no whiskers grew. Max had made a toast and she repeated it now silently. To the end. To the place where the desert is ocean. Thinking about what happened afterward left her depressed and still angry, even after so many years. She decided that before she went to the dealership she would drive by Wonderland Elementary and catch the lunch recess. She knew it was the best way possible to chase the blues away. When she got to the Boxster she found it had been ticketed after the two hours on the meter expired. She pulled the citation off the windshield and tossed it onto the passenger seat. The car was still registered to the deadbeat it had been repossessed from. So when the ticket went unpaid, the bill from the city would go to him. He could deal with it. She got in the car and drove off. She took Van Nuys Boulevard south to the 101. The boulevard was lined with new-car dealerships. Sometimes she thought of the Valley as one big parking lot. She tried listening to a Lucinda Williams compact disc but the stereo was so jumpy that she had to pop it out and just listen to the radio. The song playing was an old one. Roseanne Cash singing about a seven-year ache. Yeah, Cassie thought. Roseanne knew what she was talking about. Seven years. But the song didn't say anything about what happened after seven years. Did that ache go away then? Cassie didn't think it ever would. |