"Charles DeVet & Katherine MacLean - Cosmic Checkmate" - читать интересную книгу автора (DeVet Charles) Scanned by Highroller.
Proofed by . Made prettier by use of EBook Design Group Stylesheet. Cosmic Checkmate by Charles V. DeVet and Katherine MacLean I The sign was big, with black letters that read: I'll Beat You the Second Game. I eased myself into a seat behind the play board, straightened the pitchman's cloak about my shoulders, took a final deep breath, let it out—and waited. A nearby Fair visitor glanced at the sign as he hurried by. His eyes widened with anticipated pleasure and he shifted his gaze to me, weighing me with the glance. I knew I had him. giving any odds?" he asked. "Ten to one," I answered. "A dronker." He wrote on a blue slip with a white stylus, dropped it at my elbow, and sat down. "We play the first game for feel," I said. "Second game pays." Gradually I let my body relax. Its weight pulled at the muscles of my back and shoulders, and I slouched into a half-slump. I could feel my eyelids droop as I released them, and the corners of my mouth pulled down. I probably appeared tired and melancholy. Or like a man operating in a gravity heavier than normal for him. Which I was. I had come to this world called Velda two weeks earlier. My job was to find why its humanoid inhabitants refused all contacts with the Federation. Earth's colonies had expanded during the last several centuries until they now comprised a loose alliance known as The Ten Thousand Worlds. They were normally peaceful—and wanted peace with Velda. But you cannot talk peace with a people who won't talk back. Worse, they had obliterated the fleet bringing our initial peace overtures. |