"Charles de Lint - Spirits in the Wires" - читать интересную книгу автора (De Lint Charles)

SPIRITS IN THE WIRES by Charles de Lint

Charles de Lint

This one’s for my long-time pal
Rodger Turner

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SPIRITS IN THE WIRES by Charles de Lint

Break the bowl—
instead of regret,
fall back into
the potter’s hands
and be reborn.

“Falling” (Spirits and Ghosts, 2000)

Author’s Note
The impetus to write this book, and the title as well, was sparked by some offhand remarks
made by my friend Richard Kunz concerning how, with the ever-growing prevalence of
technology in the world, some of the spirits of fairy tale and folklore have probably already
left the woodlands and other pastoral settings to take up residence in the wires that seem to
connect us to everything: telephone, cable, electricity. No doubt they’re in the satellite feeds
as well.
I’d touched on this in some previous short stories (such as “Saskia,” which you can find in
my collection Moonlight and Vines, and “Pixel Pixies,” in the more recent Tapping the Dream
Tree collection), but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to explore it at a longer
length. So finally I put aside the plans I had for the next novel I was going to write and
jumped happily into this one instead, even though it will be the second novel in a row to
feature my regular repertory company of Newford characters taking their turn on the main