"Charles de Lint - Greenmantle" - читать интересную книгу автора (De Lint Charles)

that, 'ey?" She and the children were staying with ha sister in
nearby Marsalcala when the two men made ready to leave the

"The nightstre quiet hae," Mario said. "And dark. Just follow
me and don't get lost, capito?"

He went into his bedroom and unlocked a chest from which he
took a p~ur of American .38 calibre handguns. Valenti acceptod
one and nodded his thanks as he thrust it in his belt.

"I hope we don't need these," he said as they went down the

Mario nodded. "My car's got no shocks and the road's tho
shits," he said, "so maybe you better watch the family jewels,

"Sure," Valend said with a grin.

Mario hit the lights, throwing the hallway into darkness. Valenti
opened the door and the night explodbd with sound. The
first shot hit Valenti in the shouldbr and spun him around. The

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second and third spat into the doorjamb, showering bdh men
with splinters. A fourth bullet took Valenti's right bg from under
him and he fell to the floor.

"Bastard`!" Mario roared: He got off a couple of shots,
then slammed ~he door shut and bolted it. "We're in deep
now," he muttered as he glanced down at his friend. Thrustin

his gun into his belt, he hoisted Valenti up in a fireman's lift
and headed for the back of tbe house. By the time the soldan
broke in the front, the only thing left in the hallway was V~
butt's blood.

"Check out baclc!" one of the dark-suited men ordered, but
they already had men out there and he knew no one was going to
get through them. ~

The intruders fanned out through the villa, shooting into
closets, then ripping the doors open, kicking apart the beds,
checking any place whae a man might hide. But they didn't find
a thing. Then word came from the back of the villa that both
limmy Civella and Happy Manzi were dead and did Fucceri want