"Charles de Lint - Greenmantle" - читать интересную книгу автора (De Lint Charles)

Also by Charles de Lint
in Pan Books

Charles de Lint


Leadoa. Svdue7 aud Auchland

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Frst published 1988 by Ace Bool~s, a divis~oa of the
Berkley Publishing Group, New York
First published in Great Britain 1991 by Pan Books Ltd.
This edinon first published 1992 by Pan Books Ltd.,
Caveyo Place, London SWIO 9PG

Charles de Lint 1982

ISBN 0 330 31111 5

Printed in England by Clays Ltd, St Ives p~
This book is sold subject to the condfition that it shaD not,
by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out,
or othenvise circulated without the publisher's prior consent
ia any form of binding or cover other than that in ~vEich
it is published and without a dmilar condition including thi.
condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser

Grateful acknowledgment is made to:
Tar,jth Lee, for the use of the quote from her short story 'Brood-Mantle'
~rhich first appeared in Isaac Asimov's Scicnce Fiaion Magazinc,
Nov. 1985, copyright @) 1985 by Tanith Lee.
Jane Yolen, who introduced me to the poetry of Joshua Stanhold
in her book about his daughter and their relationship, Thc Stone Silazus
(PhilomellThe Putnam Pubbshing Group), copyright 62)1984 by Jane

Robisr WiDiamson for permission to use a portion of 'Song of Mabon'
from Seketed Wntings 1.øU~83, copyright (~1984 by Robin
WiDi~on, For ftuther infatmation on Robin WiDiamson write: Pig's
Whisker Muric Press, P.O. Box 27522, Los Angeles, CA 90027; or Pie's
Whisker Music Press, BCM 4797, Londoa, WC1N 3XX, England.