"Charles De Lint - The Little Country" - читать интересную книгу автора (De Lint Charles)could not do without.
?—Charles de Lint {Page13}myself, a brat who . . . couldn’t figure numbers worth a damn was always a chancer and given three lines to add I’d put the middle row down as the answer but I could read all day if I could get away with it and all night too with a flashlight under the covers of that Green Man . . . or of Merlin of the borders. . . . ?—ROBIN WILLIAMSON, from “Five Denials on Merlin’s Grave” He wanted the sort of book that didn’t seem to need a beginning and end, that could be opened at any page without suffering for it?—slow, candlelight reading. ?—JAMES P. BLAYLOCK, fromLand of Dreams PART ONE – The Hidden People {Page15}Man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through the narrow chinks of his cavern. ?—WILLIAM BLAKE |