"Charles De Lint - Spiritwalk" - читать интересную книгу автора (De Lint Charles)

indefinable source, but it has such potency that, according to some previous residents, those who might
bring discord with them feel so uncomfortable once they've stepped through one of the house's many
doors that they don't remain long enough to cause any harm.

Regardless of its history, visitors to Tamson House will certainly be struck by the "feel" of the
building—a sensation akin to that found in certain other places that we remember forever, our
subconscious memory stirring in recognition of some hidden facet of mystery that stands revealed, if only
for a moment.


MONDREAM—an Anglo-Saxon word which means the dream of life among men


Iam Merlin

Who follow the Gleam

—Tennyson, from "Merlin and the Gleam"

In the heart of the house lay a garden.
In the heart of the garden stood a tree.

In the heart of the tree lived an old man who wore the shape of a red-haired boy with crackernut eyes
that seemed as bright as salmon tails glinting up the water.

His was a riddling wisdom, older by far than the ancient oak that housed his body. The green sap was
his blood and leaves grew in his hair. In the winter, he slept. In the spring, the moon harped a windsong
against his antler tines as the oak's boughs stretched its green buds awake. In the summer, the air was
thick with the droning of bees and the scent of the wildflowers that grew in stormy profusion where the
fat brown bole became root.

And in the autumn, when the tree loosed its bounty to the ground below, there were hazelnuts lying in
among the acorns.

The secrets of a Green Man.

"When I was a kid, I thought it was a forest," Sara said. She was sitting on the end of her bed, looking