"Jerry Davis - Dna Prospector" - читать интересную книгу автора (Davis Jerry)file:///G|/rah/Jerry%20Davis%20-%20Dna%20Prospector.txt
DNA Prospector © 1997 by Jerry J. Davis James Gregson passed the last of the carnivorous trees and was halfway through the clearing before he realized there were two men in his camp. One sat on a log and the other on his chair, relaxing, making themselves right at home. Not far away was a black and red jeep, and on the jeep's door was the Bankrightk company logo. One of the men looked up as Gregson approached. Gregson didn't seem much of a threat; he was tall but good-natured looking, with curly black hair and brown eyes. In his arms, however, was a long, elegantly crafted electronic rifle. "Look at the size of that stunner!" The man exclaimed, laughing. He was thin, small, and had a pinched-looking face. He wore an gray-green jumpsuit with what looked like 50 randomly-placed pockets, and had a name-tag that read, JACKO. "What is it, a hundred years old?" The other man, who was taller, rounder of features, wore all black and was carrying a 10mm projectile pistol. His shirt bore the Bankrightk logo and underneath was the stitched-in name RUDD. "We "I don't appreciate you coming into my camp like this," Gregson said. "This area is staked and registered to me, and you're trespassing." "Hey, you don't have to go all huffy with us," said Jacko. "We're here to offer you a position with Bankrightk." "A job?" Jacko nodded. "Prospecting?" Gregson asked. "DNA prospecting." "For what? A salary?" "Salary, expenses, and a cut. More than you're getting right now---" "Which is nothing," Rudd said. "We ran a check on your account. You're broke." Gregson powered up his rifle. The indicator lights flashed on, startling the two men, who stood suddenly and backed off a few meters. "I didn't spend my life's savings to get all the way out to this hairball of a planet, live in a tent in a field of mud, and eat gristle worms and drink peat water for a year and a half, just so I could have a cut of what I discover." "They're making you a generous offer," Jacko said. "It's not going to be repeated." "You can repeat it until doomsday. I'm here as an independent, and whatever I discover is mine. A hundred-percent mine." |