"& Dirgo, Craig - Dirk Pitt - Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt Revealed (b)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Cussler Clive)

The bartender broke his reverie. "Your pleasure, sir?"

"What brand of tequila are you pouring?"

"Patron and Porfido."

"Your host has excellent taste," said the stranger.

"However, I would like a double Don Julio anejo on the rocks with limeand a salted run."

The bartender looked at him thoughtfully. "Don Julio is Mr. Pitt'spersonal favorite. It's also his private stock. Very little of it isexported from Mexico."

"He won't mind. You might say he drinks it because of me."

The bartender shrugged and poured the tequila from a bottle hiddenbeneath the bar. The intruder thanked him and stepped to a nearby tablewhere several attractive women were seated engaged in girl talk.

"I guess we should consider ourselves lucky," said Eva Rojas, a pretty,vibrant woman with red-gold hair.

"Unlike Summer and Maeve, we survived to the end of our adventures."

Jessie LeBaron, refined and lithe-bodied in her mid fifties, patted herlips with a napkin. "True, but except for Heidi Milligan and LorenSmith, the rest of us never reappeared."

The exquisite Julia Lee, her Chinese features soft and delicate,recalled, "After Dirk and I returned from Mazatlan, Mexico, we both wentback to our respective jobs, and I never saw him again."

"At least you enjoyed an exotic and romantic interlude with him," saidStacy Fox, brushing aside the blond strands of hair from her face. "Inmy case, he didn't even say good-bye."

Hah Kamil, a lovely woman with classic Egyptian features, laughed.

"Isn't this where somebody says it is better to have loved and lost DirkPitt than never to have loved him at all?"

Lily Sharp, striking and svelte, and the captivating Dana Seagram satquietly, not speaking, their minds far away, Lily remembering when sheand Pitt found the treasures from the Alexandria Library in Texas, Danawhen she worked with him raising the Titanic.

"It wouldn't be practical for Pitt to have married any of you," said thegray-haired man, breaking into the conversation.

"Why do you say that?" asked Julia Lee as the women all turned andstared openly at the stranger.

"Can you picture Al Giordino coming to your front door and asking ifPitt can come out and play? I'm afraid the scenario would not beacceptable."

Then he smiled and abruptly walked away.

"Who was that?" Dana Seagram asked no one in particular.

"Beats me," replied Lily Sharp. "Nobody I've ever met before."

The party crasher strolled over to a dark metallic blue 1936Pierce-Arrow sedan that was attached to a matching trailer. A group ofmen sat next to the trailer. The stranger peered inside at the linoleumfloor, the antique stove and icebox. He appeared to be studying thetrailer's interior but was in fact listening to the table conversationwith more than a passing interest.

A tall, distinguished-looking man who spoke with a German accent pointedacross the table to a muscular bull of a man with a clean-shaven head."Foss Gly here was surely the worst of us all," said Bruno von Till.

A wealthy-looking Chinese man shook his head in disagreement. "My votegoes to Min Koryo Bougainville. For a woman, she made the rest of usvillains look like milksops."