"Chevalier, Tracy - Girl with a Pearl Earring" - читать интересную книгу автора (Chevalier Tracy)

His eyes locked with mine. I could think of nothing except how their grey was like the inside of an oyster shell.
He seemed to be waiting for something. My face began to strain with the fear that I was not giving him what he wanted.
"Griet," he said softly. It was all he had to say. My eyes filled with tears I did not shed. I knew now.
"Yes. Don't move."
He was going to paint me.
"You smell of linseed oil."
My father spoke in a baffled tone. He did not believe that simply cleaning a painter's studio would make the smell linger on my clothes, my skin, my hair. He was right. It was as if he guessed that I now slept with the oil in my room, that I sat for hours being painted and absorbing the scent. He guessed and yet he could not say. His blindness took away his confidence so that he did not trust the thoughts in his mind.
A year before I might have tried to help him, suggest what he was thinking, humor him into speaking his mind. Now, however, I simply watched him struggle silently, like a beetle that has fallen onto its back and cannot turn itself over.
My mother had also guessed, though she did not know what she had guessed. Sometimes I could not meet her eye. When I did her look was a puzzle of anger held back, of curiosity, of hurt. She was trying to understand what had happened to her daughter.
I had grown used to the smell of linseed oil. I even kept a small bottle of it by my bed. In the mornings when I was getting dressed I held it up to the window to admire the color, which was like lemon juice with a drop of lead-tin yellow in it.
I wear that color now, I wanted to say. He is painting me in that color.
Instead, to take my father's mind off the smell, I described the other painting my master was working on. "A young woman sits at a harpsichord playing. She is wearing a yellow and black bodice—the same the baker's daughter wore for her painting—a white satin skirt and white ribbons in her hair. Standing in the curve of the harpsichord is another woman, who is holding music and singing. She wears a green, fur-trimmed housecoat and a blue dress. In between the women is a man sitting with his back to us—"
"Van Ruijven," my father interrupted.
"Yes, van Ruijven. All that can be seen of him is his back, his hair, and one hand on the neck of a lute."
"He plays the lute badly," my father added eagerly.
"Very badly. That's why his back is to us—so we won't see that he can't even hold his lute properly."
My father chuckled, his good mood restored. He was always pleased to hear that a rich man could be a poor musician.
It was not always so easy to bring him back into good humor. Sundays had become so uncomfortable with my parents that I began to welcome those times when Pieter the son ate with us. He must have noted the troubled looks my mother gave me, my father's querulous comments, the awkward silences so unexpected between parent and child. He never said anything about them, never winced or stared or became tongue-tied himself. Instead he gently teased my father, flattered my mother, smiled at me.
Pieter did not ask why I smelled of linseed oil. He did not seem to worry about what I might be hiding. He had decided to trust me.
He was a good man.
I could not help it, though—I always looked to see if there was blood under his fingernails.
He should soak them in salted water, I thought. One day I will tell him so.
He was a good man, but he was becoming impatient. He did not say so, but sometimes on Sundays in the alley off the Riet-veld Canal, I could feel the impatience in his hands. He would grip my thighs harder than he needed, press his palm into my back so that I was glued in his groin and would know its bulge, even under many layers of cloth. It was so cold that we did not touch each other's skin—only the bumps and textures of wool, the rough outlines of our limbs.
Pieter's touch did not always repel me. Sometimes, if I looked over his shoulder at the sky, and found the colors besides white in a cloud, or thought of grinding lead white or massicot, my breasts and belly tingled, and I pressed against him. He was always pleased when I responded. He did not notice that I avoided looking at his face and hands.
That Sunday of the linseed oil, when my father and mother looked so puzzled and unhappy, Pieter led me to the alley later. There he began squeezing my breasts and pulling at their nipples through the cloth of my dress. Then he stopped suddenly, gave me a sly look, and ran his hands over my shoulders and up my neck. Before I could stop him his hands were up under my cap and tangled in my hair.
I held my cap down with both hands. "No!"
Pieter smiled at me, his eyes glazed as if he had looked too long at the sun. He had managed to pull loose a strand of my hair, and tugged it now with his fingers. "Some day soon, Griet, I will see all of this. You will not always be a secret to me." He let a hand drop to the lower curve of my belly and pushed against me. "You will be eighteen next month. I'll speak to your father then."
I stepped back from him — I felt as if I were in a hot, dark room and could not breathe. "I am still so young. Too young for that."
Pieter shrugged. "Not everyone waits until they're older. And your family needs me." It was the first time he had referred to my parents' poverty, and their dependence on him — their dependence which became my dependence as well. Because of it they were content to take the gifts of meat and have me stand in an alley with him on a Sunday.
I frowned. I did not like being reminded of his power over us.
Pieter sensed that he should not have said anything. To make amends he tucked the strand of hair back under my cap, then touched my cheek. "I'll make you happy, Griet," he said. "I will."
After he left I walked along the canal, despite the cold. The ice had been broken so that boats could get through, but a thin layer had formed again on the surface. When we were children Frans and Agnes and I would throw stones to shatter the thin ice until every sliver had disappeared under water. It seemed a long time ago.
A month before he had asked me to come up to the studio.
"I will be in the attic," I announced to the room that afternoon.
Tanneke did not look up from her sewing. "Put some more wood on the fire before you go," she ordered.
The girls were working on their lace, overseen by Maertge and Maria Thins. Lisbeth had patience and nimble fingers, and produced good work, but Aleydis was still too young to manage the delicate weaving, and Cornelia too impatient. The cat sat at Cornelia's feet by the fire, and occasionally the girl reached down and dangled a bit of thread for the creature to paw at. Eventually, she probably hoped, the cat would tear its claws through her work and ruin it.
After feeding the fire I stepped around Johannes, who was playing with a top on the cold kitchen tiles. As I left he spun it wildly, and it hopped straight into the fire. He began to cry while Cornelia shrieked with laughter and Maertge tried to haul the toy from the flames with a pair of tongs.
"Hush, you'll wake Catharina and Franciscus," Maria Thins warned the children. They did not hear her.
I crept out, relieved to escape the noise, no matter how cold it would be in the studio.
The studio door was shut. As I approached it I pressed my lips together, smoothed my eyebrows, and ran my fingers down the sides of my cheeks to my chin, as if I were testing an apple to see if it was firm. I hesitated in front of the heavy wooden door, then knocked softly. There was no answer, though I knew he must be there—he was expecting me.
It was the first day of the new year. He had painted the ground layer of my painting almost a month before, but nothing since—no reddish marks to indicate the shapes, no false colors, no overlaid colors, no highlights. The canvas was a blank yellowish white. I saw it every morning as I cleaned.
I knocked louder.
When the door opened he was frowning, his eyes not catching mine. "Don't knock, Griet, just come in quietly," he said, turning away and going back to the easel, where the blank canvas sat waiting for its colors.
I closed the door softly behind me, blotting out the noise of the children downstairs, and stepped to the middle of the room. Now that the moment had come at last I was surprisingly calm. "You wanted me, sir."
"Yes. Stand over there." He gestured to the corner where he had painted the other women. The table he was using for the concert painting was set there, but he had cleared away the musical instruments. He handed me a letter. "Read that," he said.
I unfolded the sheet of paper and bowed my head over it, worried that he would discover I was only pretending to read an unfamiliar hand.
Nothing was written on the paper.
I looked up to tell him so, but stopped. With him it was often better to say nothing. I bowed my head again over the letter.
"Try this instead," he suggested, handing me a book. It was bound in worn leather and the spine was broken in several places. I opened it at random and studied a page. I did not recognize any of the words.